Original topic:

Forced Password every 72 hours.

(Topic created: 9 hours ago)
Galaxy S Phones

Please give us the option to remove the 72 hour password requirement with biometrics.


This is not useful, and does not provide any additional security outside of some absurd James Bond villain situation where my finger gets cut off.


Please do not try to argue this here.


I'm looking for a solution, not suggestions.


"Just unlock it every day"


"Its for your security"


"Remove the lock"


"Use a PIN or Pattern"




Biometrics are more secure than all of the other methods offered.


Now my phone is less secure with a PIN because this setting is forced.


Why cant I control the settings on a device I own and operate?


Forcing consumers to Root to change simple settings should be illegal.

1 Reply
Neutron Star
Galaxy S Phones
A simple Google search of "forced password every 72 hours" revealed many Reddit posts, some going back several years. All having basically the same answers or responses you listed above. So, it certainly seems like there is no work around, or other solution. Unfortunately, you will just have to live with it.