Original topic:

New to this site need info on my S4 all apps keeps stoping help plz

(Topic created: 7 hours ago)
Galaxy S Phones
Plz Stop blaming Samsun or app designers they are trying to help but losers have many ways to cause harm to steal your life and its hard to keep up but I trust they are trying to help us all, 

 So my 7th cell phone now and Tmoble keeps resending me new tablets and cell phones qith 4 min of activation devices lose ability to do what its basic funtions are like i get pop ups showeing me app not responding close? Or report? I hit report and i get looped i cant text use a camera use keypad i pray i can send this to you and ever get back to thus site again im feeling hopeless I have no control over 7 devices and i register them on here then it says later on that they were removed from registering them no calender maps texts calender thymes keyboard is glitched as you can see in my spelling no search abitly no contacts and added apps to my devices that cant be removed under the data notifacations forcing me to do false updates that meke it worse wont allow me to call or come on to members to get help im luck im here now aslo no modes nothing called local law enforcment they took a report but thats all they can do FBI Cyber Report done as well It something new called Cloaning accounts Apple Tmoble law enforcment all want to help but cant and the factory reset does nothing once they have the id info inside my device The IME or MIE number whatever its called once they have that number its game over so plz advise anyone?? Plz Im scared Im not too proud to say Im scared Thank yall for any info truly! Thank Yall 
12 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S Phones

Most likely it's your accounts and/or home internet router that are compromised, not your devices.  So, you need to have your router/modem factory reset or replaced and change the default admin username and password (have your ISP help you) and your wi-fi network SSID and password.  Change all your account passwords, Google, Samsung, email, etc. (from an uncompromised device/network - go to the library or a friend if you can). Reset and set up your phone completely from scratch before you log into any accounts and DO NOT download any backups, as you will just be repeating any problems.  Use a strong anti-malware program (I highly recommend Malwarebytes). Once your phone is set up, log into your accounts with your new passwords. Use an encrypted password manager and do not reuse any of the passwords you just changed.

Galaxy S Phones
Omg thats exsactly whats happening to me to the T
I wish i could screen shot this info you gave me i will write it down
Who ever you are THANK YOU My Icloud of 20 years is now stollen as well I cant thank you enouph its again exsactly what im going through but you decribed it 100 times better then i could have thank you so much im documenting your solutions I wish i could hug you but in a Thank you kinda way not a creepy way
Thanks So So Much! realaud He calles himself ROOT_ and I pray this info will free me of 10 months of pain and fear!!! Sir... thank u
Galaxy S Phones
Sorry but i have a few questions if you dont mind so i can understand what to look and ask for moving forward

1. What is a (ISP) to help me? Not sure what ISP stands for im sorry wish i was smart like you,

2. Default admin user?

3. Wifi network (SSID)?

4. Anti Malware program how do I find the program and ADD (Malwarebytes)?

5. Are you for Hire????? I wish you were here Im new to this state no famley or friends I appolagize its just he wont let me have any search apps google chrome yahoo or and contacts i cant even text or take pics FBI Cyber report was done as local law enforcment report but to no avail I beleave they want to help but cant and Apple said my life is in danger from what they can see on thier side so again im sorry to have to ask but i have no search apps or maps or anything here in this new home,

I hope i can see any response from you i kniw its not my devices Im being Cloned the Feds said its new but nothing they can do i Thanks in advance and i pray i can find u again to see any answers to these new questions so i can do as you suggested
Sorry for spelling my keyboard is barly hanging on and he busted through my SIM again, Im so hopeless and scared!

Thanks for you kindness and time Im truly Grateful

Amy S
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S Phones

Also, when you do your new setup, use a VPN (Malwarebytes includes one for a little extra fee).

Galaxy S Phones
Ok so Malwarebytes is a VPN
How can i find it? Man i wish you were here my family has not heard from me in 7 months Im sure they are so worried
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S Phones
Malwarebytes.com it's also in the play store. The free version is completely functional, wxcept for the premium features like browser guard and vpn. Well worh rhe nominal yearly fee for those features, especially if you've already been victimized - you know you can't put a price on that
Galaxy S Phones
Thank you & Agreed

I have to do a faulse update to use playstore

And what is What is a (ISP) to help me? Not sure what ISP stands for im sorry wish i was smart like you,

2. Default admin user?

3. Wifi network (SSID)?

4. Anti Malware program how do I find the program and ADD (Malwarebytes)?

Plz advise?

I just dont know what it is i understand the vpn now money is not a issue compared to my life
Galaxy S Phones
And encripted password manager? I have no idea what that is as well i know hes useing keypass and something called token on my iphone and now has all remote control of my iphone and icloud acc 20 years of work and PERSONAL INFO I CANT GET TO, now hes on this account as well doing the same thing so i know what your saying hold value! I wish i could find someone to help me geeksquad said no because its too much data involed Your the only one who made honest real logical sense
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S Phones

Encrypted password manager like Roboform, Samsung pass, last pass.  Try getting into your iCloud from an uncompromised device on an uncompromised network.  Change your password, if you can get in. When you reset your phone, when downloading and setting up new apps like password managers, do it on a clean network, so your new passwords can't be intercepted.  Are you using iPhone or Samsung?  I don't understand why Geek Squad said no unless they just don't want to admit they don't know how to do it, since I've never known them to turn down money.