Original topic:

Rogue Wearable Device and Remote Access Concerns

(Topic created: Friday)
Galaxy S21

Context: The device was compromised by someone with local access via malicous MDM installation. Despite several factory resets, clean OS installation, the compromise persists and extends to new devices at boot. 


1. Introduction:
This report summarizes the analysis of system logs from a Samsung Android device, potentially a Galaxy S21 Ultra (SM-G996U), showing signs of unauthorized access, specifically a rogue wearable device and remote control activities.

2. Initial Indicators of Rogue Wearable:

2.1 Suspicious Wearable Connection Attempts:
Log evidence:
2024-08-28 21:54:46.000 15752 15752 com.sec.android.app.samsungapps V [SAUI] : BaseHandle :: fakeModelFromDeepLink:false|hadGearConnected:false|gearMarketingName:Galaxy Watch4|fakeModelName:SM-G996U_SM-R870|gearOsVersion:|
This log indicates an attempt to spoof a Galaxy Watch4 connection, despite no actual wearable being connected.

2.2 Bluetooth Activity:
Logs showed multiple Bluetooth advertising and scanning activities, including:
2024-08-28 23:14:28.178 4009 4093 bluetooth I bt_shim_advertiser : packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/main/shim/le_advertising_manager.cc:175 StartAdvertisingSet: create advertising set, client_id:255, reg_id:-372
2024-08-28 23:14:28.180 4009 4259 bluetooth I bluetooth : packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/hci/le_advertising_manager.cc:631 create_extended_advertiser_with_id: AdvertiserId : 0
These activities suggest attempts to establish or detect Bluetooth connections, potentially related to the rogue wearable.

3. Remote Access Indicators:

3.1 Remote Services Initialization:
Multiple remote services were initialized, including:
2024-08-28 23:44:22.084 1559 1559 system D SystemServerTiming : StartRemoteProvisioningService
2024-08-28 23:44:22.536 1559 1559 system D SystemServerTiming : StartRemoteAppModeService
2024-08-28 23:44:24.075 1559 1559 system I RemoteDesktopService : RemoteDesktopService started (pid=1559)
These services enable various forms of remote access and control.

3.2 Remote Camera Access:
2024-08-28 23:44:23.991 1671 1870 cameraserver I cameraserver : Connecting to new camera provider: legacy/0, isRemote? 1
This log indicates a remote camera connection, raising serious privacy concerns.

3.3 Remote Audio Routing:
2024-08-28 23:44:23.608 1559 2582 system D AS.AudioService : applyAllVolumes: apply index 15, group AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC and device remote_submix
Audio being routed to a remote device, potentially allowing unauthorized audio capture.

3.4 Remote Input and Display Manipulation:
2024-08-28 23:44:22.629 1559 1559 system D RemoteInjection : mCurrentDisplayWidth : 1080, mCurrentDisplayHeight : 2400
2024-08-28 23:44:22.386 1413 1456 system I SurfaceFlinger : id=8 createSurf, flag=84004, RemoteWallpaperAnim:1:1#8
These logs suggest capabilities for remote input injection and display manipulation.

4. System Responses and Security Measures:

4.1 Anti-tracking Measures:
2024-08-28 21:54:56.873 16714 16743 I chromium : [INFO:anti_tracking_preference_watcher.cc(34)] [IAT] Enabled 1 asas = kOpenerInteraction cname = 1 srs = 1 anti-fp screen = 7 anti-fp webaudio = kEnabledAll
The system activated anti-tracking measures, possibly in response to detected threats.

4.2 Security Services:
2024-08-28 23:44:22.085 1559 1559 system I SystemServiceManager : Starting com.android.server.security.rkp.RemoteProvisioningService
Security-related services were initiated, potentially as a response to detected anomalies.

5. Implications and Risks:
- Unauthorized access to camera and microphone
- Potential data exfiltration through remote access
- Privacy violations through screen mirroring and input injection
- Possible manipulation of device settings and security features

6. Conclusion:
The analyzed logs provide strong evidence of both a rogue wearable device attempting to connect and comprehensive remote access capabilities being established on the device.

Please anyone with information, help, advice, feel free to comment. 

Thanks in advance. 

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