Original topic:

put mic on/off button back on the keyboard always on top no pop-up screen

(Topic created: 05-26-2024 05:03 PM)
Galaxy S21
It seems like Samsung is trying to separate the mic on/off from the standard keyboard since may 2022.
in April May 2024, even the keyboard reset option isn't working reliably to restore the keyboard with embedded mic.
Users are looking for the on/off mic button back on the basic keyboard so that it's always visible/accessible enabling us to switch on the fly between typing on the keyboard and talking to the mic, mic off then back to typing/editing, all without popping a second screen over top of the keyboard killing all speedy hybrid editing. 
It was a high functioning basic feature that was killed and no longer exists.
designers, please revert it back. how it was, mic on/off button on the keyboard always on top, seems far superior to how it is now.
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