Original topic:

Can't receive messages on Google messages

(Topic created: Sunday)
Galaxy S22

Well I downloaded Google messages to try it out and see how it is and like I already knew it deeply sucks, I can only send messages but I can't receive them at all from anyone not even my other phone

27 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S22

I have been using Google messages from its inception and never have not been able to send or receive messages, so I guessing there's some misconfiguration in your settings.  Is it possible your incoming is going to spam & blocked?  Have you rebooted your phone since you switched over? All the messages that are currently in Samsung Message should also be synced with G-Messages and should be populated in the app.

If you have a PC or laptop, try pairing Google Messages with your web browser and see if you can send/receive from there (maybe it will jump start the process).  Once of the things I like best about G Messages is the web interface so that I can actually use a real keyboard to type out messages.

Galaxy S22
That sounds complicated if I gotta do all of that, I don't have to do any of that with samsung messages and yes I just had an update this morning on my phone and I haven't switched over oh no I love samsung messages too much to ever switch over to Google messages, I'm using Google messages on my A03s
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S22

It's actually not at all complicated.  I do not know why you are not receiving messages once you switched to G Messages, but you should be.  I don't know the configuration of your phone and what else is going on that might be interfering.  I only know that if you are not receiving messages, it is something with your device, not the message app.

It is not complicated to optimize, restart your phone, or access the web interface.  If you have spam protection on in your messages settings some or all of your messages may be ending up in the spam folder - click on your initial and go to spam and blocked and see if anything is there.  If there is, mark them not spam.  If you don't want spam messages separated out, turn off spam protection.  I switch between messaging apps all the time in order to help people troubleshoot, and all my messages are concurrently in both apps. 

No one is forcing you (yet) to use Google Messages, but the new protocol is going to be RCS, which Samsung Messages is not going to have, so you will either be forced to switch then, or you will really no longer receive messages.

You  might also try uninstalling Google Messages, rebooting your phone and re-installing it.  You could go to the app settings/storage and delete both the data and the cache and see if that improves anything.  Go to the app settings on Samsung Messages and empty the cache.

It really doesn't matter to me which app you choose to use, I'm offering you suggestions for troubleshooting, which I guess you feel is too complex for you.

Galaxy S22
Nothing is blocked or in spam messages and I tried everything and it's still not working
Galaxy S22
If you don't have google messages as your default messaging app, you won't receive messages there.
Galaxy S22
It is my default messages
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S22
That is not true, the messages exist in both places, only one app can be active at a time, though.
Galaxy S22
Oh ok so when I sent a message to get a reply on my tablet and had to switch to samsung default messaging, it was something completely different. Guess that is only messaging on different devices where that's the case. It didn't work when I sent the message from Google messenger to my samsung messenger on the tablet. I had to manually switch default messenger on my phone to samsung and send it again for it send all my messages. I noticed as well that it only had the last messages from when it was default the last time I had to switch it. I figured that applied to all, but I know for a FACT that it doesn't allow me to use 2 different messengers and tells me to change default to use it as well. I just did it just now, and it tells me to switch to default. Doesn't even let me get in the app.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S22
Thats what I said, two messaging apps cannot be ACTIVE at the same time, but the messages reside in both. When I switch messaging defaults, ALL my messages are in S messages, and it irks me that the messages flagged as spam in G messages just turn up in my S message feed. All my messages are on my previous phone, in both messaging apps, even though it's been off for months. When I turn it on, though, my most recent messages sync up. So, yes, I can switch devices and have my messages. It's always been this way for me since my first smart phone, through whichever messaging apps I utilized. You could not pay me to use Samsung messages, even if iwas S messages getting RCS and not Google. I'd sooner use Facebook messenger, or just tell people to call me.