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MEGA THREAD: One UI 6 General Feedback

(Topic created: 12-17-2023 07:47 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22

Awful update of one UI 6. Recently upgraded my s22 ultra to one UI 6 and I really wanna go back. Last time I wrote about the issues in the gallery app, video player in gallery app, and notification panel. After discovering more things about new update is that now I can't play my audio in 2 different Bluetooth speakers at once using media control. I also can't switch back and forth the audio from Bluetooth speaker to my phone speaker and to achieve this I either need to disconnect the speaker or turn off the Bluetooth. This is getting absurd, day by day. These are all my daily activities in life and samsung have completely messed things around and there is no going back. Very poor update from samsung especially at the time of Christmas and season of music. The developers of this  upgrade have arbitrarily made changes without thinking about the users.

1,313 Replies
Black Hole
Galaxy S22
Most of these bugs can be attributed to an app or apps that are not compatible **bleep**g out in the background. You can check under device care for apps that may be misbehaving.
There is literally an icon to flip an image as soon you press the pencil icon. It looks like this: < | >
Visual voicemail is a carrier feature.
Font can be changed under display settings
I still can't get a clear answer as to what exactly is iOS looking about the new update, because I'm not seeing it.
Galaxy S22
Had zero issues with my apps before the update. The gallery is literally a built-in feature - how is it possibly not compatible with the update? Pandora is widely used - how is it not compatible with the update? There were zero issues until the update was installed on my phone.

I wasn't trying to flip, but rotate. I did find the teeny tiny icon after my post. It used to be more visible. It was moved and made itty bitty - I really don't see a reason for that. Still hate it!

I did not have a visual voice-mail option on my keypad until the update. So no, that's not from my carrier. The one from my carrier is a different app. A Google search shows others talking about it as well.

As others have also said, changing the font doesn't revert it to what it was. Unless you can share which font style would be accurate and the rest of us just aren't seeing it.

Idk what "ios looking" is - is that a reference to iPhone? If so, look at an iPhone drop down and compare it to the updated drop down on android and the previous version. It's self-explanatory.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
It looks different from an iPhone looks more google pixel 6
Galaxy S22

Everything you've said I've said. The volume on my ringer now turns itself all the way down somehow and I can't hear my phone ringing half the time. Have to go right in to settings to change it. Side vlume buttons do nothingto turn it up even while it's ringing. I really really really HATE the iPhone look. Hate iPhone everything and was choked when I saw my scroll down menu is apple's and not Android anymore. Spotify quick access disappeared from dropdown too. Worst apple update ever on my android 

Galaxy S22
I'm not trying to be one of those people that complains simply because there are changes to the user interface with this update, but there are some issues with screen brightness mode/settings, among other things, that just seem like a complete oversight by Samsung.

1) The brightness is not dark enough, particularly when lowering the brightness to the minimum setting. There is still a great deal of backlight coming through the screen at this setting. This is even with Extra Dim mode on, which brings me to my next issue... 

2) Extra dim mode is not dark enough. There is barely a noticeable difference in brightness when turning on this mode. 

3) When in dark mode, the swipe-down notification screen is not only too bright, but is now gray for some reason instead of black (when in dark mode). It should be black, or at least much darker than it currently is. Again, there seems to be much more backlight coming through the screen than there was in UI 5.1.

4) While we're here, an unrelated (but infuriating nonetheless) issue is the forced change of emoji font characters to what I can only describe as cartoonish, silly, and childish-looking. It would be fine that you designed a new emoji style, but why not provide on option to select the previous style as a font theme for those who don't like the new one? The new emojis look immature and ridiculous. There are multiple selectable options for text font ā€” why can't there be multiple selectable styles for emoji font as well? 
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S22
now this šŸ‘†šŸ» is the proper way to express displeasure and ask questions. bravo.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
I am impressed and I'm with you
Galaxy S22

I too have issues with the newest update and especially dislike the gray screen I am now forced to use no matter how many times I have tried to make display changes.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
#3. THIS! It is too bright. Especially using OHO+ at night is blinding.
Galaxy S22

I'm a S23 Ultra owner. Decision to buy it was made while One UI 5.1 was active. I had previously owned S20 FE and S10+. After I got S23 ultra i was so pleased with the device. But after One UI 6 update, all of that changed. UI is terrible. Specifically speaking notification panel and quick toggle. I will try to abide by my manners and not be impolite, but notification panel and quick toggle are textbook example of inconsistency. Nothing matches anything. First, I'm a dark mode user, and One UI 5.1 provided super consistent dark mode experience. Now on One UI 6, every time I swipe for notification panel, I'm greeted with light shade of gray instead of dark one from One UI 5.1. It feels like my notification shade is in light mode while the rest of the system is in dark. It looks and feels like it doesn't belong there. Another thing is that default color scheme is changed. Instead of having navy blue color for toggles, now it's white.... WHITE. Who's idea was this? There's clearly an option to set the color palette to monochrome within Wallpaper & Style, so why place that one as default? It makes no sense. I know I can change the color palette but that will also change accent color system wide, and I don't want that, so I'm not left with much choice. I don't want dial icon withing phone app to be any color but default green, and so on. Device Control and Media Output buttons look so wrong and don't match any color on the notification panel. App notification squares also don't match any color. As I mentioned - inconsistency. Another question to designer team, is why my notification icons now take color from color palette? How can WhatsApp be blue? Instagram blue? At a glance I can't distinguish what's what, unless I look thoroughly, which doesn't make my life easier, rather harder. And not to mention that one handed operation is gone. I praised One UI 5.1 for being so friendly for one handed use, even considering the huge formfactor that S23 Ultra has. Even the phone is gigantic it's easy to use. Now I need two hands to toggle wi-fi. Ridiculous. To sum this up, if I walked into the store now, and saw S23 Ultra with One UI 6, I would never decide to buy it. UI looks like high school project went wrong. I paid 1100 EUR for the device, that offered so much, which was gone after update. I'm starting to regret it.

As a user, I don't like options being taken away from me. Introducing new system UI is great for some but not for all, and there should be and option to select One UI 5.1 default color palette with blue toggles and have dark notification panel shade instead of light gray. Or at least, there should be and option to edit only notification panel colors within edit notification panel section, not system wide color palette. Yes, I know there's Good Lock app, but honestly after paying 1100 EUR for a device, I really don't want to fiddle or change things, I want smooth and consistent out-of-the-box experience like I had on One UI 5.1. I tried Good Lock and it's really time consuming and still can't fix all the issues regarding new notification panel design. Give us back the option to choose the default color palette from One UI 5.1. The blue toggles and darker, almost black shade of gray, so whoever wants to keep it can, and those who like new monochrome can keep that too. Before I decided to write this email, I checked what people think about this, and I found that I'm just one among the many on the internet. Reddit and even official Samsung forums are full of people complaining about these UI design changes.

Hopefully this will be addressed soon.