Original topic:

SIM card issues and posdible theft

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Galaxy S22

 I  purchased a new SIM card yesterday and noticed changes in my system apps after a few hours. I also received a WhatsApp message, even though I NEVER EVER used WhatsApp.  The T-Mobile representative kept my previous SIM card. Should I be concerned?

1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S22
Did you see the tech separate the new sim card from the plastc holder? I would call T-Mobile and have them investigate. They can probably deactivate the old sim card if it is in use as sim cards have an udentifier. True story: the day after I switched to T-Mobile in store, there was a fraudulent charge on the credit card I used. The sales person had my card out of my sight for a minute and that was the only thing I used my card for in the previous 2 months. I complained to T-Mobile and I believe they fired the guy. They always keep your previous sim card, unless you ask for it back. The old card should have been deactivated, as 2 sims with the same number can't be/are not supposed to be active at the same time.