Original topic:

Defective "Gorilla" glass

(Topic created: 04-12-2024 03:28 PM)
Galaxy S23
I have never, ever had my glass screen crack on any smart cell phone I've had since 2004, with normal wear and tear, as easily within the first 3 months as my galaxy s23! 

I cannot believe the amount of hairline cracks that have appeared across my screen! I thought about going back to store in an effort to claim defective gorilla glass material, but based on a severe issue with T-Mobile on claim of fraud with price increase on my PHONE PROMOTIONAL UPGRADE JUNE 2023, they would never accept the possibility of defective glass on my phone! So I didn't say anything! 

Has anyone else had unusual cracks appearing during everyday use, albeit we all have dropped our phones at times, but I'm not talking about throwing or slamming phones down? Just like normal, every day use on your phone, has anyone had abnormal cracks on your screen? 

10 Replies
Galaxy S23

Ya know, not wanting to peel back my protector, I did think maybe, just maybe, the glass is intact. I ran my fingernail across, and I can feel the nick as if the screen really IS cracked, but I really don't want to take it off. It bugs me. I've never had any phone's screen crack. Why now? Oh, I've seen many many other people's phone wildly smashed and cracked with gouges on their screens- and they're still in use. I think OMG what are these people doing with their phones? I can't comprehend abusing a phone. It's nuts. It bugs me the few miserable wiggly crack lines I have. I even thought my simple phone case which is almost identical to the ones I had previously except this one is not the sg10: EDGE as before. I had 3 edge phones before and they had less protection that the s21 I have not without an the edge dip in the case. But the material is the same! I dunno. šŸ˜†