Original topic:

Defective "Gorilla" glass

(Topic created: 06-06-2024 03:20 PM)
Galaxy S23
I have never, ever had my glass screen crack on any smart cell phone I've had since 2004, with normal wear and tear, as easily within the first 3 months as my galaxy s23! 

I cannot believe the amount of hairline cracks that have appeared across my screen! I thought about going back to store in an effort to claim defective gorilla glass material, but based on a severe issue with T-Mobile on claim of fraud with price increase on my PHONE PROMOTIONAL UPGRADE JUNE 2023, they would never accept the possibility of defective glass on my phone! So I didn't say anything! 

Has anyone else had unusual cracks appearing during everyday use, albeit we all have dropped our phones at times, but I'm not talking about throwing or slamming phones down? Just like normal, every day use on your phone, has anyone had abnormal cracks on your screen? 

10 Replies
Galaxy S23
Good Luck with that. It's not PROOF from, but RESISTANT to. Just because you haven't happened to you before doesn't mean you'll always be that lucky. A simple corner while the phone in your pocket can damage your screen. A drop may not initially damage your screen but it can cause the display to be under tension over time, and heat and cooling cycles may cause cracks.
Galaxy S23
I understand that. But what I'm saying is there's no difference in the way I used my phone in the past 22 years. Yes, bumps and drops here and there, but never abuse, and I'm telling you that my phone that's only 10 months old looks like it's 10 YEARS OLD. lol. I'm serious. It was only a brief thought of bringing it back, but I would never try to argue a point like that. Never. There was a larger argument with my carrier I had going on for about 7 months and that was over PRICE! I'm not getting defensive, just trying to be clear on situation. Thank you for your time to reply. I appreciate that
Galaxy S23
As I pointed out you have dropped or bumped the phone on things over the years. You have gotten unlucky this time around. As for carrier about price that doesn't have anything to do with the phone.
Galaxy S23
Nope, don't buy it. I dear m swear that last year's S23 bought in June 2023 has a glass that's DEFECTIVE! I really don't think that's out of the realm of possibility. Why does everyone else think otherwise, I wonder.
Galaxy S23
You'd have to prove it was defective. The burden of proof is on you. That's what you have to understand.
Galaxy S23
Of course. I get that. That's why I didn't run to the store and complain about it because there's no way to prove that. I was just giving a mention about, and in the out chance someone else had the same thing. I figured if it was defective, there would be several before it was seen and fixed on production. My gut tells me I'm not the only one with a possible issue. On mass-produced stuff, there are always some problems and material substitutions due to cheating and availability!

It's about time I look into a trade, even though I'm not one to run and get new phones. But I'm mad at TMO. I feel they did the wrong thing at least last year or so. Sneaking in a price increase on upgrade! A real cheap shot, though they would never admit it. It's all where to put the energy, and I don't have it in me to go loud. But I really wanted to.... like seek out advise with the ACLU to inquire about any possibility of others talking about the same thing. And if so, then I see a massive potential.

Anyway.....g'night, and thanks šŸ˜Š
Galaxy S23
I would suspect from "all" those cracks on your screen. It's more from, as you say, everyday normal use drops and then your phone heating and cooling the glass is what has caused the screen to crack. Maybe try a screen protector and a better case.
Galaxy S23
Thank you. I bought a screen protector that they put on it for me when I bought it last June, for $45. I couldn't believe how much they charged me for it. And the justified out by saying I could forever come in for replacement free of charge- as long as I had the insurance on my phone. Which, by the way, I've had insurance on my phone for many, many years, and I had to get rid of it in order to reverse some of the extra money they charged me for my phone upgrade (a lie that happened unbeknownst to me at purchase). A complete FREE PHONE S21 PROMO, no monthly equipment charges ended up being, in truth, a sleezy way T-Mobile used to increase the price from $75 a month which was what I was paying for about 4 years (4G) to a HUGE $109 per month! And the sales dude told me my phone bill monthly charge WOULD NOT go up!! OMG, through umpteen phone calls with Frontline customer service, managers both phone and chat- all FAILED PROMISES to make it right. Although, several managers did give me "curtesy" monetary credits to my account to a total of about $400 , which was very nice, but each time they promised my bill WOULD GO BACK TO the $75 as before. Never happened. So my bill was lowered by me for taking of the $18 or $21 insurance monthly. And it's still about $7+ more. Hugely disappointed with TMO. And, I've been with TMO since before they were TMO in 1997 when they were Omnipoint!

Bottom line- I think TMO underhandedly charged EXTRA FOR 5G. Oooooo, I was ripped mad! Thank you for your time to reply. I appreciate that. I know my message is long, but I've wanted to tell someone my story OTHER THAN TMO people. Hey you're not a TMO employee, are you? Lol lol
Galaxy S23
Whitestone Dome tempered glass screen protector for the win. I've cracked protectors but never my device screen.