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Extended unlock

(Topic created: 06-17-2024 12:01 PM)
Galaxy S23
I really wish they'd fix this. I have trusted places and devices set up to keep my phone unlocked. However, it has never worked.
4 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23

how do you mean never worked? Never worked at all, or relocks after a period of time?  If you used connected devices if the device is disconnected, even briefly (like if you step out of range), the phone will lock. if you use trusted places, since it uses google maps data, if the location is not accurate, it may not encompass the whole area and the phone will lock if you step beyond the geofence. For security purposes, it will lock after a period of inactivity and after a missed phone call.

I set mine to stay unlocked when connected to my watch (only the BT connection, it does not work for remote because in the brief period it disconnects from BT and connects to Wi-Fi, the phone has already locked). I also set a routine to stay unlocked while connected to my home network, because google has my home location so wrong, it's not even funny.  

Red Giant
Galaxy S23
I don't use Google's Extend Unlock triggers (Trusted places, Trusted devices, etc.) to keep the phone unlocked. I tried that when I first got my previous phone, but found Google's Trusted place triggers unreliable and switched to using Samsung's settings instead.

Samsung has the ability to add locations (home, work, etc.) to your profile in Samsung Contacts. You can add a wifi network to one of these places to make sure your phone can confirm that you're at the right location. You can then use the places in your Samsung profile as triggers for Modes and Routines. For example, I have a Routine that triggers while I'm at home and, among other things, keeps my phone unlocked.

When you set a place as a trigger for a Mode or Routine you can define the radius around that location, so I'm able to have the whole house included in the same Place trigger. This radius can be set anywhere from .1 miles to 1.2 miles.

I have another Routine set up to unlock my phone and keep it unlocked while it's connected to my car via Bluetooth. I've found this to be very reliable so far.

(Be aware that when setting up or editing any Routine that keeps your phone unlocked, you'll be required to enter a passcode or fingerprint before you can save that Routine.)

This method still has Extended Unlock's limitations (still need to enter pin/passcode after 4 hours, after missed call, etc.). This just provides a more reliable and flexible way to trigger it.
Galaxy S23

Hallelujah!!! Thank you SO MUCH! I've been trying to find some way to get this to work for a very LONG time. Yours is the FIRST successful approach! Thank you, thank you, thank you 😀

Red Giant
Galaxy S23
You're very welcome. I'm glad you found this helpful. 😊