Original topic:

Is it possible to disable automatic updates?

(Topic created: 10-03-2024 11:31 PM)
Galaxy S23

I've tried searching all over, and there seem to be absolutely no solutions for this anywhere. This is the second time an update has been forced, and it is likely going to make me late. I ended up being an hour late for work with the August update, as my phone wasn't "on" to play my alarms. I'm almost certain this will happen again with future updates. If I could even delay it by a few days I could have it install when I don't have work the next day, but that isn't even an option. This feels so scummy for them to be forcing updates like this.

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
Yeah, that's just one of the reasons I buy unlocked phones. I don't want to be beholden to the whim of what the carrier decides to install or disable. You are absolutely right, you pay 1k for a phone, you should have complete control of it. But, I can also see the carrier side of it, think about all the people who don't update, either because they don't want to take a chance on an update screwing things up, because they don't know how to look for an update, or just plain don't remember or feel like it. This leads to a lot of unsecure phones on the network, which might cause a little havoc. The auto updates just ensure that the phones play nice with the network (also they can better help troubleshoot issues).

Is your carrier Verizon? They seem to be the most restrictive at that stuff.

Also, you might be able to stall the updates by putting the phone in airplane mode at night and turning off Wi-Fi and cellular data.- If you are not on the network, the update can't come down. Your alarms will still work and the update can install when you are awake. Of course, the problem with that approach is your phone won't back up at night, but it will back up at any point where your phone has been idle for at least 2 hours with the screen off. Pick your nightmare.😊
Galaxy S23
I'll definitely try the airplane mode thing the next time this is an issue.

I 100% understand the carrier side of things, and thats why I dont have any problems with updates themselves. Just the process of forcing my phone to restart, and then not having any alarms, which is what happened today. I didn't have to work, but I had a choir concert I needed to be at this morning, which I ended up being about a half hour late for. Thankfully it wasn't a big deal, but it's not exactly fun waking up and realizing I might tank a 100 point performance attendance grade because T-Mobile decided they were too impatient.

Again, this whole thing is just infuriating because what if I had something genuinely important that I miss because of an update? Like this morning I missed my cat's insulin shots that need to be done at specific times. Hopefully it won't be a problem, but what if it was something like a daily medication I need to take at a specific time? At that point they're kind of interfering with medical stuff and that just doesn't seem right.

Overall what's most upsetting is just the fact I can't do anything about it. I could try contacting tmobile but I highly doubt they'll actually do anything. I just feel completely helpless here 😕
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
The thing is, since you get no warning and you do not know when the update is coming, you'd have to put your phone in airplane mode every night.

Here's the thing about updates. I think they try to be as least disruptive as possible, which is why the updates come down in the wee hours. I have T-Mobile with an unlocked phone. The updates seem to come down at night, but mine don't install automatically even though I do have the slider set to auto download over wi fi. I just always get the notification that it's ready to install, it does not happen on its own. I just always figured it didnt install and restart because my phone was locked. Is your phone locked when you sleep?
Galaxy S23

I unfortunately have diabetes and a Dexcom unit. Dexcom is telling me not to install the next update as it is not yet compatible with my Dexcom app. This is a medical issue and I should be able to prevent the update until it is compatible. However, that does not seem to be doable.

Galaxy S23
I and another family member have the same issue. Dexcom (and medtronic) are both saying DO NOT update to the newest software, and if we do out continous glucose monitor will no longer tell us critical medical information. After 12 hours or 8 times saying, update later, it automatically just does it. At&t says it's samsungs fault, samsung says it's at&t (evidence says it's carrier since unlocked has the ability to disable it). You can disable using developer options, but then dexcoms apps won't work as long as dev options are enabled.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
You should be eligible for your carrier to unlock your phone at this point. You can also ask them to enable that control as it's a health issue to not be able to use your app if it's not compatible with any update. It would be an ADA accommodation. Also, Dexcom needs to keep up.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
Dexcom is the one droping the ball here by not keeping up with their app updates. Their users shouldn't have to worry about their app not working because thay are out of date.
Galaxy S23

I'm probably going to end up dropping Samsung because of this. If I am out of state or out of the country, I do not want my phone to be updated. This is my device, so I should choose the date and time. Stop aping Microsoft for this behavior. Even when I'm not out of state, I wait at least a week to make sure the update doesn't get pulled because of bad QA.  I deal with IT and security on a day-to-day basis. Samsung Microsoft Apple Google.... Stop telling me when I should be updating my own device.  I'm an adult, so treat me like one. Give me the option to turn off auto updates and allow me to choose when I want to update something. This type of behavior really makes me grumpy.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
I turn my automatic updates off in the Play Store. Idk about other types of updates that you may be talking about but app updates is definitely within the Play Store and I actually have all of my disabled because I like knowing when I get an update and I like being able to research the outcome of certain updates before they happen to my phone.

I attached a screenshot, but it's just in the Play Store. You go to your apps, the dot up in the corner on the right side, and then you can uncheck/ check that box Good luck!1728134662514.jpg
Galaxy S23
Yeah, play store updates I dont care about since they dont actually affect me using my phone. I was talking about the automatic system updates