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Pro mode takes JPEG images even tho I set it to capture obnlyRAW. PLEASE HELP.

(Topic created: Thursday)
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Galaxy S23

So I don't use the Expert RAW app due to its horrible processing. I recently started using Pro mode RAW (Which is at least less processing) to capture 50 MP RAWs, but even though I set it to take images only in RAW, it still captures JPEG images half of the time! Out of 10 images I capture 5 are RAW and the other 5 are JPEGs why? ?

1) The setting is set to capture "ONLY RAW' and not "RAW+JPEG" (under  'Pro mode picture format').

2) The camera is set to start in the mode last used which is pro (under 'settings to keep').

So what's the issue? It's frustrating, I tried third-party camera apps but all of them are limited to 12 MP. What's wrong with pro mode? is it a bug? PLEASE HELP. (Kindly don't give generic answers, I have already rechecked settings and cleared data and cache of the camera app, still the issue persists). Thanks.

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