Original topic:

Remove Play store notifications

(Topic created: a week ago)
Galaxy S23
The bubble for notifications on Play store continues to be there even though there are no notifications. I've tried changing the notification settings to don't allow, allow and removed all of the badge, bubble, and lock screen and still it shows. 
It's not a big deal, but it drives me crazy that it's permanently there. Suggestions? 
13 Replies
Neutron Star
Galaxy S23
In the play store? Play store updates automatically download, and does not show updates there. Galaxy store apps also update automatically, except when auto update is not supported by the app or the original app was installed from the play store.
When you refer to notifications, do you mean in that bubble up at the top of the play store? Or a push notification that comes on your screen? If it's a push notification that's just hanging there and all your updates are complete, I would suggest rebooting your phone and see what happens. If it's just that badge on the notification area in the Play store I would just ignore it it will probably go away after you close out the app completely.
If you know how, you can also reboot into recovery mode and clear your cache there maybe something confusing the issue.
Galaxy S23
It's the play store, notification bubble.
I have cleared the cache of both and restarted but nothing changed.
I don't know how to how to reboot in recovery mode. I guess it'll just stay there in perpetuity. Thank you for your help and assistance, though.
Neutron Star
Galaxy S23
In the play store you can check to see if you have updates waiting or what has been recently updated.
Go to the play store, click on your picture/avatar/initial, then select "manage apps and devices". You will then see an overview screen where it says updates/checking for updates. If there are updates it will tell you, and you can see details to show which apps they are, you can choose to update sny or all, or you can just wait until they auto update on the daily cycle. You can actually ignore the notification badge on the front page-it's meaningless, and as I said, news and offers. I never pay any attention to it.
Galaxy S23
I know. That's how I noticed the notification is because I go into manage apps and devices. As you can see from my screenshots, the push notification is up there, yet there are no updates or notifications so I'm back to square one. Appreciate your suggestions, though