Original topic:

Samsung Text Messaging App

(Topic created: a month ago)
Galaxy S23
SAMSUNG: This is just a suggestion for the samsung programmers, software tech, or whoever is over the abilities of samsumg text messaging app. We would all like to see Samsung put the ability/feature/option to "delete/edit/update" a message after being sent to the receiver. We would love to see this happen on their next update if possible. We would like to be able to "delete/edit/update" the message we send and it would apply on both ends the "receiver/sender" if we have sent a message to the "wrong" person, typed anything wrong, auto correct put in a wrong word or phrase, or add to our message we would be able to use this feature "delete/edit/update" and resend the message to the receiver again. We should be able to do this within a set amount of time like 1 min - 5 mins maybe even 10 mins and then after that it's pretty much "set in stone". Send notice to the reciever that the message was "edited/updated." I know there's been many times I wished I had this feature. I'm asking for all of us Samsung community members and/or users. I don't feel like I'm the only one who would like this option if it was available. You could create a POLL to see if it would even be worth it to include this option into the app! Im just asking if you would please consider putting this as an option for us? We are all human and make mistakes and want a more convenient and easier way to send a message, correct a message that was sent, or decide not to send a message and would like to unsend it. Also when people use the talk to text feature. It's awful to use but I know so many people who use it though. It normally types the wrong words. Sometimes i dont have a clue what the person is even talking about because it just puts random words. It is very hard for "me anyways" to comprehend what they are talking about. I've read several peoples messages that use that feature and it's just awful. The delete/edit/update would be more useful than that feature in my opinion. But they could also use the delete/edit/update to correct what the talk to text typed for them after they sent it. They could edit and correct what they were talking about. The text app could send a notification when someone has edited or updated their message to the receiver. We could have control over our messages the way we can control our post we put on our social media apps too.  There are other phone makes also who gives feature something like this but not fully i dont think anyways. Please Samsung consider doing this for us. I appreciate your time and consideration and I apologize for such a long post. Thank you. Cathy

6 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23

I do not believe there will be any more updates to Samsung messages, as they are moving to Google messages as the default on new devices. Also, I believe that such things as "message recall/unsend" must be carrier supported.

Galaxy S23
I received an update the other day for samsung messages but nothing changed though
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
This will be coming to Google Messages, not Samsung Messages. Going forward, there will be no meaningful updates to Samsung Messages as they have now made Googe the default app.

Samsung messages will no longer be installed on Samsung devices starting with thefoldable series of phones. You will however be able to install it through the Galaxy Store.

Samsung messages will be SMS/MMS only with no chat features on all new devices.

Iphones in September will only be able to use RCS features such as high-resolution photos and video only with Google messages.
Galaxy S23

 to do software on samsung m31 fs


Galaxy S23
They are going to be using Google messages ONLY very soon. Samsung messages will be a thing of the past.
Galaxy S23