Original topic:

Unable to connect Samsung gallery to OneDrive

(Topic created: 08-21-2024 05:23 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
I have tried multiple times to connect Samsung gallery to OneDrive. The Samsung gallery folder in OneDrive has been restored from the recycle bin. 

Although it is present in the Pictures folder, OneDrive and Samsung gallery both provide the error message that I need to restore the Samsung gallery from the recycle bin. 

I have tried multiple additional actions to correct including clearing cache, Reinstalling OneDrive updates And checking all permissions. I have also done a hard start to the phone with wipe cache. These instructions were provided in the first chat of 4.

I continue to get the same error message that the Samsung Gallery is the recycle bin and I have restored it directly from the recycle bin. 

Error reports have been submitted three times and I have been on chat four times. Each time I follow the standard instructions given by support, I get the same error message.

14 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23

You restored the Samsung folder from the OneDrive recycle bin? Did you restore any subfolders? Why did you delete it in the first place? I would say factory reset your phone and restore the backup, but in this case the error might come back with restoration of your backup.  I think the tech support you should be conferring with would be Microsoft, as the problem seems to lie within OneDrive.  If it was me, I would probably not only delete the folder again, but also empty the recycle bin.  Perhaps it's Schoedinger's recycle bin-the folder is both in and out.  If you are concerned with your photo backup, your gallery is synced with Google and your photos will be in Google photos.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
Yes my photos are in Google. I am thinking in the future I would like to exclusively link with OneDrive as I have one terabyte of storage there. It was a mistake to delete this folder. It is restored. It contains the subdirectories DCIM and Camera. I was connected to Microsoft tech support last sunday. They stopped as the feature is exclusive to Samsung and recommended I work with Samsung but I can go back. I am currently connected with smart tutor to Samsung. It seems recovering from user error is very difficult. I agree a Reload to factory settings might not fix it.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23

Your photos will always sync with Google by default unless you specifically turn it off in the accounts and backup settings.  

If you restored the folder, I would still empty the recycle bin, so the phone and OneDrive do not think it's still in there. 

As a last resort, I would try a factory reset and restoration of your backup - even if the error is repeated, you are no worse off.  I do not believe that the contents of OneDrive are included in your backup, so you might actually get back a clean link to OneDrive.

BTW it's kind of crappy that Microsoft won't work with you on this because, even if the drive sync is exclusive to Samsung, Microsoft created the software.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
I think a reset is in order. I feel more confident knowing that OneDrive files are not backed up in the backup and may not return the same error. This will give me a fresh Gallery install. In this chat another user suggested uninstalling the gallery however this does not appear to be possible without a reset to factory specs.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
I reset the phone. My error is the same. It claims the Samsung gallery is in the recycle bin. The error must be over in OneDrive. I will exclusively use Google photos. I must say I am disappointed as Microsoft and Samsung formed a partnership and user error was able to break it
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
Maybe delete the folder again and then restore it again? Maybe it did not register that it was restored. You can slso try going to the play store and uninstalling one drive from there, rebooting the phone and reinstalling one drive.
I don't understand wht deleting the Samsung folder is such a big deal, as it does not form until you connect to sync because not everyone had one drive installed and not everyone who does syncs it with gallery.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
I did the above. I removed One Drive rebooted reinstalled. This gave me the welcome screen. Nothing changed. Can you tell me where the Samsung gallery folder is located in your OneDrive application? It restored to the Pictures folder of OneDrive. I'm wondering if that is the correct place given current requirements if something changed at Microsoft
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
My samsung folder is in the pictures folder.

Just curious, did you unsync the one drive before or after you deleted the folder? Or did you not unsync it at all? I don't have very much in my Samsung foldet because I only selected to sync certain folders.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
Sync was turned off at the time the Samsung gallery folder was deleted in error it is possible that sync was turned back on for a while before it was restored though.
Most applications I've used in my professional life would have recreated this folder if it was missing. I'm stumped. šŸ¤£