Original topic:

5G/4G toggle on Verizon

(Topic created: 05-09-2024 12:07 PM)
Galaxy S24

Recently my husband and I traded in our older phones and got the new Galaxy S24. While we were very excited to get the new phones with better features than out older phones, we were extremely disappointed that we do not have the option to turn off 5G service on the phones. We tried to turn it off on our own, and when that did not work, we went into the store to ask how to do it. The sales person explained that Verizon makes the decision, and they only allow 5G to be turned off on iPhones. I then contacted Verizon headquarters and was told that Samsung made the decision with certain carriers to not allow customers to toggle between 4G and 5G. This presents as a safety concern in my life. 1. I work in an old building with concrete block walls. The 5g service is unreliable and there is often times that I do not have adequate service and cannot make or receive calls while in my building. This concerns me, as I have young children and need to be available by phone in case their school calls with an emergency. 2. My family and I recently took a trip to Pennsylvania. We are unfamiliar with the area and relied on our phones for navigation. When we were in small/rural towns we had a lot of trouble finding service, as the 5G service was extremely low (1 bar) but the phone would not allow us to switch over to 4G where we would have likely had a stringer signal. There were times we had to drive in an unknown area for several minutes in order to obtain an adequate signal. These are just 2 examples of the many that cause me to have concern for the safety of me and my family, and I would like to request to have the option to toggle between 4G and 5G on my current phone or to have a new phone with the option. 

10 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
The issue is not with your phone. The issue is where you live. If 5g is not available in your area. Your phone will use the next signal. It will switch to 4g/3g/2g whatever is available. Its not a phone issue. It sounds like where you live. You just dont get a signal. Switch to airplane mode and turn on wifi calling. You'll be okay. If you are all the way out in the woods of PA. You're out of luck. Ain't no siganl going to get through to you or anyone else.