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Equalizer on my S24U doesn't seem to be working

(Topic created: 02-14-2024 03:06 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
The equalizer on my new S24 Ultra does not seem to be working properly. Anything above 0 dB is not working (I hear no difference). The only thing that is working is anything below 0 dB. That doesn't work for my use case, and if you go too much into negative, it just lowers the overall speaker volume. I got put on to this strange eq (shoutout Flossy Carter) that actually works very well on my S23U and TabS9U. That would be turning on custom eq and putting all 9 bands to +10 dB. I know it sounds dumb you would think it would do nothing or make the speakers sound muddy or terrible, but I encourage you to try it (as long as your device isn't an S24 series device). It boosts the phone or tab overall volume to where it's significantly louder at lower volume without any added distortion. You can run it with Dolby Atmos as well. I dont know about everyone else, but I don't do critical listing on my phone/tab speakers. I always go for headphones when listening to music, shows, or movies. So, having that option to make your device louder and more punchy for free with a tiny tweak is awesome! It is disappointing that this doesn't work on my S24U because with the eq enabled like that on my S23U, it sounds better (imo) than my new phone. The 23U at 20% or 2 clicks volume sounds like 40% or four clicks on the 24U. I would like to know if there is a fix or if it's a known bug that will be fixed in the upcoming Feb 1 2024 update. Thanks in advance!

Custom +10 dB eq (Works on S23 or older)

28 Replies
Galaxy S24
You nailed exactly how I've been feeling but couldn't explain it. Adding anything about 0 causes distortion that never happened on any other samsung devices. This needs to be fixed ASAP
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Appreciate your comment! I feel the same way glad I'm not the only one. I was starting to feel like I was lol. I'm going to assume you have an S24 series device and a previous gen S series phone or tab. Man, I'm telling you with the eq set like it is above, I swear my S23U sounds better (louder, deeper, and more full) than my S24U. For example, I can literally be watching a video at 1 or 2 clicks volume on my S23U and be fine, whereas on S24U, I have to go up to at least 4 clicks if not more most of the time. Idk it just sounds better. They need to fix it, but unfortunately, the Feb 1 2024 update doesn't fix it.Screenshot_20240225_120725_Settings_1000025883_1708880845.png
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
I encourage you to try the dumb looking all +10 dB eq on your previous gen device(s) if you haven't already. It will make your device louder with no distortion. Then, compare that sound to the "improved" S24 series speakers, and you'll see why I'm not as impressed as the reviewers are.
Galaxy S24
Exactly, I tested both my S23 Ultra side by side with my S24 Ultra and the 23 Ultra sounds either better optimized and/or louder playing the same exact sound. I'll even do you one better, if you download an equalizer and turn up the stock equalizer, it'll cause mass distortion whereas it didn't do that with the S23 Ultra. I have no idea what they did, but they need to fix it immediately
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Wow, I didn't know about that. Very strange. So, if I understand correctly on the 24, if you have configured the eq in Settings but then add a downloaded app for eq and configure it, there is added distortion? How is this not a more popular topic? I only saw people complaining about vividness options and grainy displays. Then they'd say I checked the grain on this website. I go to it and download the image they used to check, and it would be a 1000x900 image.  it would look grainy it's a 1440p display and not even an FHD image. Personally, I found the grainy screen issue to be blown out of proportion. Not enough talk about this sound bug. I wish I knew a way to kind of blow the post up so it'd gain more traction.

Galaxy S24
Bro.... Same. Yeah man, the distortion is glaring. I emplore you to test it, download the app called "flat equilizer bass booster" and turn the loudness up to 100% and turn the stick eq all the way up and you'll see exactly how bad it sounds. On the S23 Ultra it was perfect, you could have the same settings and the distortion never came through. I have no clue what samsung did with the S24 Ultra but it sounds horrible in comparison at louder volumes
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Thanks for letting me know! I'll definitely give it a try on my S23U and S24U later today. I usually haven't added extra eq because the inbuilt one worked fine for me. That means it's not just an eq issue but a sound issue in their software as a whole. I hope at least. It'd better not be a hardware issue. Very strange indeed.
Galaxy S24
I was going mad trying to find someone to explain the same thing I noticed. I've seen people return their phones due to the distortion but nobody really could explain it. I also heard it's the same on every device, even those on display at the store, so I know it's not just a "few people" experiencing this. I really hope it's software based because I really don't want to have to go through the hassle of replacing the entire phone just because of some funky sounding speakers
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Excuse the late reply. I did test the eq app you sent me and can confirm the distortion is jarring. I didn't expect it to be so noticeable/bad. I really hope it needs software optimization for the new speaker hardware. Hopefully, it gets hotfixed, or the upcoming March 1st update patches it.