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(Topic created: 4 hours ago)
Galaxy S24
I recently after great thought bought into the Samsung Ecosystem last year. It's what I thought at the time would work best for me. Fast forward to purchasing a phone, earbuds, tablet and a watch ...all Samsung. I am growing very frustrated with hearing there are features I am not getting on these premium devices due to Samsung's delay in releasing the new UI. It makes me question my decision in going forward in purchasing a Samsung Laptop. What is going on with Samsung right now? The other Android competitors seem to be moving right along. I am baffled and frustrated right now. Is this what we should expect going forward? 
Thanks for letting me vent. 
4 Replies
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S24

Sorry that you feel this way but not all new features roll out to older models.  If they released every new feature on older devices what would be the purpose of make a new device if they were going to release everything to older models 

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Galaxy S24
I understand that, I guess the features I'm referring to are software as I understand hardware is continuously updated from model to model. A phone that is a year old, and earbuds I've had for a few months shouldn't be left out of software upgrades that produce new or improved features in my opinion. It all just makes me question purchasing anything going forward. I will just sit tight and see what happens over the next few months.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

As far as OneUI 7 is concerned, the S24 will get it.  Naturally, the newest model, the S25 got it first because the UI was built for that phone--and not everything works perfectly on that device.  It's taking a bit longer for the bugs to be worked out for the older models (yes, even the most recent older model).  It's not as if you are not going to get it at all, you just won't be first.  In the meantime, if you have a working phone with advanced features (which is what you bought), then live with what you have.  If you choose to wait or rethink on adding an additional device to your Samsung universe, that is your choice to make.

Neutron Star
Galaxy S24

Lots of unknowns going on here.  What device do you have (this is posted in the S24 series forum so I assume that this is the case, but have seen these get posted in the wrong thread before)?  What "features" are you looking for?  How do the earbuds tie into this, they should be getting updates outside the update schedule of the phone itself?