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GPS location very unstable

(Topic created: 02-27-2024 04:39 PM)
Galaxy S24

Just got my S24 Ultra and started to use. The GPS is very important to us as we travel and hike very often. Also, we take many photos and geotag them so we can see where we've been. First thing I notice is that my location is jumping around in Google Maps! My location isn't even close to my home, and it looks like I'm in other people's yards and bouncing all over the place. The precise location NEVER locks! This also initially happened with my galaxy S22U, but was eventually fixed.

I used the GPSTest utility to look at the gps data and the satellite acquisition is poor. Most of the L5 satellites are missing and Beidou satellites are far and few between. The gps accuracy and speed are jumping all over the place. My S22U accuracy was fixed at 8.4ft and speed close to zero, since not moving. My S24U accuracy is bouncing all over but typically around 33ft, and my speed can reach 10mph! This is completely frustrating. Anyone else having this issue, or did I get a bad phone? Zoom in down to the outline of your home to see this problem on Google Maps. 
By the way, I tested the the gps location accuracy using the Samsung phone diagnostics and it said "normal". Normal compared to what? Samsung, I hope you're seeing this, and please fix asap. I will be returning this phone if this basic necessity can't be fixed, unfortunately.šŸ˜ž
135 Replies
Galaxy S24


 GPS is unusable on the S24. I'm going to return the phone. Samsung advised only factory reset. He did not comment on the error. We have several S24s at home and they all have the same problem. 

Galaxy S24
I have a note 20 ultra. After the mid January update my gps is unusable 90% of the time. 6 hours of tech help no hardware issue found, but also not fixed. Have tried every suggestion online. Was issued a replacement, and it had the same issue.
Galaxy S24
That's a real shame. I'd expect an older mature product to be solid. Something is going on, but what?
Galaxy S24
Small update... For me at least, under location services, disabling going location accuracy has greatly improved my location accuracy... With it on, when indoors (buildings, not home) and cellular is connected, it attaches to 1 cell tower. Disabling location accuracy has been dead on perfect t for at least an hour now.
Galaxy S24
Interesting, as this forces use of only gps without using wifi, etc. Glad it worked for you, and hope it continues! Unfortunately, didn't change things for my unit. I can't help but think this is a Snapdragon related issue (HW and/or SW) as this chip provides location services for the phone in the L1, L2 and L5 bands, but who knows? The past 2 days it occasionally works for me in the afternoon. This kind of feels like a time base type of issue since it does occasionally work, but most of the time there are only a small number of satellites seen in the constellation, and the other satellites are popping in and out of being seen by the gpstest app.
Galaxy S24
Just updated the Private Compute Services app on Google Play and the GPS appears to be acting as expected, at least for now! Will check in morning to see if this Operating system improvements and bug fixes actually fixes the GPS issues? Let's cross our fingers.
Galaxy S24

I updated that app yesterday too and wondered if it might improve things.

If so, it would be great though scary in the sense of being yet another way that shoddy Google development and release management processes can wreak havoc on other manufacturers devices šŸ˜ž

Galaxy S24
Tried GPSTEST app this morning and the GPS is still working ! This may actually be the fix we've been waiting for? What bothers me is the willingness of Samsung to release a new product with an obvious bug and then act like they aren't aware of it. Samsung only has control over their One UI skin that lays over Android, so they would need to contact Google for Android bug fixes, so this does make sense, I think? This is why a Pixel product would likely never have this issue. More than likely, Googles firmware operating system team has to adapt Android to the new Hardware, which is mostly the new Snapdragon Gen iii chip, but what do I know.
Galaxy S24
Finally, a fix for S24U GPS issue, as best I can tell! Latest Private Compute Services app, released by Google, seems toissue? Gpstest now shows consistent lock onto most satellites and all satellites visibe! Google maps not perfect but much improved, with smaller ciircle of uncertainty. However, it still says my gps has low accuracy, which is odd? Let us know if this improves your GPS ussue?1709130732129.jpg
Galaxy S24

Not seeing that app in the Play Store?

Galaxy S24 Ultra, Active4