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GPS location very unstable

(Topic created: 01-31-2024 06:42 AM)
Galaxy S24

Just got my S24 Ultra and started to use. The GPS is very important to us as we travel and hike very often. Also, we take many photos and geotag them so we can see where we've been. First thing I notice is that my location is jumping around in Google Maps! My location isn't even close to my home, and it looks like I'm in other people's yards and bouncing all over the place. The precise location NEVER locks! This also initially happened with my galaxy S22U, but was eventually fixed.

I used the GPSTest utility to look at the gps data and the satellite acquisition is poor. Most of the L5 satellites are missing and Beidou satellites are far and few between. The gps accuracy and speed are jumping all over the place. My S22U accuracy was fixed at 8.4ft and speed close to zero, since not moving. My S24U accuracy is bouncing all over but typically around 33ft, and my speed can reach 10mph! This is completely frustrating. Anyone else having this issue, or did I get a bad phone? Zoom in down to the outline of your home to see this problem on Google Maps. 
By the way, I tested the the gps location accuracy using the Samsung phone diagnostics and it said "normal". Normal compared to what? Samsung, I hope you're seeing this, and please fix asap. I will be returning this phone if this basic necessity can't be fixed, unfortunately.😞
135 Replies
Galaxy S24

Same here on my S24+. Jumps around in maps and some games are unplayable due to constant messages about being too fast. In reality I'm stationary and on the Map I'm sometimes teleporting through the town. Never had anything this bad in terms of GPS inside of any smartphone. I'm regretting my purchase here a lot and nothing is coming from Samsung to fix it.

Galaxy S24

This issue seems to be fixed by going into your permission and allowing Google Maps GPS access all of the time. I think it's the fact that the phone is locked security issues are preventing stable GPS acquisition

Galaxy S24
I've been doing that since the beginning, and also allow precise location. Nothing works reliably for me. The GPS randomly works correctly, and can be seen in GPSTest app. I sent two reports to Samsung but am gaslighted. They really don't care, and I figure it's something that can't be fixed, but who knows. I'm getting rid of this brick with either the next rev, or going to a Google phone. I'm glad you found a fix for your phone but the two I've had had a similar issue. It's a shame.
Galaxy S24

Any updates on the issue yet? I'm really looking forward to buying s24u but i'm worried sick for if the gps problem plagues my device too...

Galaxy S24

My phone got an update recently and gps has become much better. But sometimes it still loses gps signal. I hope they would solve this out for good

Galaxy S24
Unfortunately, I haven't heard of any fixes but I'm not really looking. None of the updates have made a difference for me. Sometimes it appears everything is working but then it gets right back into a mode of having difficulty seeing the Galileo and China satellites. I did call Verizon to get a replacement phone, again, but they talked me into getting a physical Sim card stating that gps may work better using physical Sim vs esim. First power-on after install had exact same gps issue. Given what little we actually know about the actual gps operation, it would appear to me that they may not be able to improve the gps in firmware or there could be a hardware issue that makes correction impossible, but who knows? I'd be willing to bet that most users wouldn't notice, or even bother to complain as long as Google Maps gets them from point a to point b. Other than the gps issue, I really like the phone, but the issue is a deal breaker for me since I use it extensively. My wife could care less about the gps, and hers is unreliable too! Good luck on your decision and I hope it works out for you!