Original topic:

Official Galaxy S24, S24+ & S24 Ultra, Shipping, and Feedback Thread

(Topic created: 02-02-2024 01:20 PM)
Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S24

Hello. Everyone that has Pre Ordered a Galaxy S24, S24+ or S24 Ultra, you can post any order or tracking updates here.

This thread is for Galaxy S24, S24+ and S24 Ultra pre-orders!

Usually, we try to include the following information:

- Date ordered:

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.):

- Unlocked or Carrier variant:

- Model, storage capacity, Color:

- Did you trade-In:

- Estimated delivery date:

Then, once it ships, please come back and post an update with the same information above, but the actual stated shipping and delivery dates, and maybe even let us know once it's received. 



Here is my stuff:

- Date ordered: Jan 17th

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.): Samsung.com

- Unlocked or Carrier variant: Unlocked

- Model, storage capacity:512GB Titanium Black

- You can share your trade-in info, if you want: Trading Galaxy S23 ultra

- Estimated delivery date: Jan 31

The link to pre order: Pre Order Galaxy S24 Series 

1,003 Replies
Galaxy S24
Hi, has anyone on this forum upgraded from the S23 Ultra to the S24 Ultra and are happy? 
I'm upgrading and recieving my phone on the 21st. 
There seem to be some bugs that need fixing with the screen and cameraā€”and vivid features. 
I was hoping to hear from some users who are happy with their upgrade. To give users like me help in deciding if this is the right choice or wait till the S25 Ultra. 
I do love my S23 Ultra and would hate to send my phone in as a trade in only to find out that I made a big mistake. Especially for the price we are paying. 
Thank you ahead of time for any responses and opinions you all may have for me! 
Galaxy S24
I have both I traded my flip5 for the 24ultra haven't compared both yet but one thing I don't like so far was the erase something from a pic you know how you circle something you wanna delete its a pink circle on the 23, well the 24 it auto detects what youbwanna delete and sometimes it doesn't high lights what you wanna delete.

I wish it would have stayed that way but I guess it the new software that's like that.

Galaxy S24
That will take some getting used to. That is one of my favorite features. If you don't mind, I'd love to have more of your thoughts once you've had time to compare more.
I'd there are enough features like the one you've mentioned that I enjoy and have changed it gives me something to think about.
Thank you taking the time to respond. Have a great day!
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
I've had my phone since Monday. It's not an incremental upgrade for these reasons, not in any particular order.

1. Flat Panel, Flat Panel, Flat Panel
2. Gorilla Armor glass is game-changing outdoors
3. Snapdragon 8gen3 battery life is about 20% better in performance lite mode.
4. Brightness is amazing. It's so good that you can keep your Brightness at about 40%, and it is still bright enough.
5. 5x 50mp camera makes going from 1x-10x so much better. Before the gap between 3x to 10x was not great, now it is seamless with no gap.

The whole brouhaha over not having VIVID mode is a non-starter for me. I always have my display in natural rather than the cartoonish vivid mode.

If this was done specifically because of the new glass tech, for me, the trade-off would be worth it!

I love this phone!
Galaxy S24
Thank you so much! I also keep my phone on Natural, and my brightness is relatively low unless outside since it helps with eye strain. Thanks again for taking the time to give me your thoughts.
Galaxy S24
Should of just kept your s23 ultra
Galaxy S24
I do still have my S23 Ultra. S24 Ultra won't be here until February 21st. Which if I hear enough great reviews, then I'll open it and try it. I'm just hoping that a lot of the bugs have been taken care of that will help my decision and all these great comments. I know that sometimes, while watching things on YouTube, they're getting paid to give you a great review, so you're not getting a regular user's opinion. Thank you for responding
Galaxy S24
I'm in the same boat
just heard that Samsung is already aware of the issue and working on a fix.
I'm just wondering how long we have to return it 14 days ? 30 days ?
Galaxy S24
I read on a different post that Verizon Wireless, if you buy it through them, gives 30 days. However, they charge a $50 restocking fee. I know that buying straight through samsung.com is only a 15-day return. I know this because last year I purchased through the website my S23 Ultra. I had a problem with it, and I made it just within the time limit. That's another thing: Samsung does not exchange your phone if you have a problem with it. They make you send it back, they refund it, and you have to purchase a new phone. They did honor what I paid for my phone, and they had me contact them after, and they did a price match. Thank you for your input!
Galaxy S24
Thank you very much for your reply.
yes I pre-order ed on Samsung. com and received on 1/31
I have 10 days left to return my S23U
hope a quick fix will come out in time