Original topic:

Official Galaxy S24, S24+ & S24 Ultra, Shipping, and Feedback Thread

(Topic created: 12-29-2024 09:45 AM)
Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S24

Hello. Everyone that has Pre Ordered a Galaxy S24, S24+ or S24 Ultra, you can post any order or tracking updates here.

This thread is for Galaxy S24, S24+ and S24 Ultra pre-orders!

Usually, we try to include the following information:

- Date ordered:

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.):

- Unlocked or Carrier variant:

- Model, storage capacity, Color:

- Did you trade-In:

- Estimated delivery date:

Then, once it ships, please come back and post an update with the same information above, but the actual stated shipping and delivery dates, and maybe even let us know once it's received. 



Here is my stuff:

- Date ordered: Jan 17th

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.): Samsung.com

- Unlocked or Carrier variant: Unlocked

- Model, storage capacity:512GB Titanium Black

- You can share your trade-in info, if you want: Trading Galaxy S23 ultra

- Estimated delivery date: Jan 31

The link to pre order: Pre Order Galaxy S24 Series 

1,019 Replies
Galaxy S24
Yes, it is! Good luck on your new purchase for the New Year!
Galaxy S24
I had the S8, which had more features, longer lasting battery, etc. Included was a charger, headphones, etc. In my opinion, the S24 has to be almost if not the worst phone I ever purchased (about $1,000.00).
Galaxy S24
Yeah, mines great as well! This is what mine looks like20240723_121102_1000013641_1734679497.jpg
Galaxy S24
Mine as well! The basic version is fine with me, but when I get a chance to re-up, I am going with the S24 Ultra. I didn't think I would need as much storage, but I have found since I have been using Android there are so many great apps for free that I can use that I could certainly use the extra space. For the mean time I am conservative on downloading new apps, but I still enjoy trying them out for a bit and dumping them when I get tired of them or just don't use them. I just haft to not fall in love with any extra stuff and use the option to dump or deep sleep non use apps Have a Happy New Year @
Red Giant
Galaxy S24
I do like my phone but it could be better
Galaxy S24
Which version do you own?
Red Giant
Galaxy S24
Galaxy S24

I have the S24 and it does what it needs to do. Coming from a budget phone wanted to try a flagship phone and wanted to try Samsung I am not all that impressed for what the phone costed. It is a good phone and I like the smaller size compared to the last phone I had but the battery is terrible. I think I would have been more than satisfied with a midrange phone from Samsung. Hoping to get 5 to 6 years out of it but don't see the battery making it that long.

Galaxy S24
I can understand that you are having a bad experience with battery life, but you do have options that deal with those issues. I have BATTERY SAVING on, and BATTERY PROTECTION on BASIC. I suggest the MAXIMUM on BATTERY PROTECTION. As long as you use the quick charger on 120VAC this should work, but I am 90% of the time close to a wall plug and pretty much use my phone quite a bit and sometimes I even forget to plug it in soon enough and it shuts down until I plug it in for a bit. I am definitely a fan of the quick charging! I hope you have a Happy New Year! šŸ˜Š
Galaxy S24

Have battery protection set the same, to basic. Tried other settings with battery protection and battery saver it made no difference. I don't believe short charging by setting battery protection to maximum, it already doesn't last that long why would cheat myself of 20% battery. I did research on charging at 40% and only charging to 80% and from what I read it these batteries have an x amount of charge cycles and by this type of charging you gain a handful of charges charging that many more times. That makes no sense.

Here is a tip for you if you are running your phone dead, set up a notification in modes and routines to give you a notification when it hits 20%, or whatever level you desire. I also have one set up to tell me to unplug at 100%. My last phone that costed a fourth of this phone had this feature built in, I got an audible vibration and sound telling me to charge at 15%, but this phone I actually had to set a routine that does that. I even contacted support and they even thought this phone was supposed to have that notification but the person I talked couldn't figure it out and then said it may be a feature of the Ultra. 

Another quirky thing is I need a separate voicemail app, I even downloaded Google phone dialer since that is what I used on my last phone, nope, no dice, shouldn't need two apps for phone service. 

Don't get me wrong it is a good phone but it seems like I took a step backwards on a few things that worked great on my old Motorola phone. Samsung needs to step it up on the flagship phones, or their phones in general. From what I have read it seems like they are trying to copy iPhone so why not copy some features from Motorola, like rock to open camera, chop for flashlight were cool features, I miss those two features.