Original topic:

S24 international roaming not working

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy S24
I am in Aruba and unable to get international roaming to work on my s24. I have gone through hours of tech support with Verizon and verified that my plan is providing international and that my phone is configured properly. I also attempted texting Samsung tech support, and they pointed me here. My husbands s21 works fine. I was able to get it working for about 10 seconds when network settings were reset, 3g and h+ blinked then it disconnected me. Please help! 
5 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

Sometimes, the roaming actually works, but the phone has trouble automatically connecting to the foreign carrier partner.  In which case, you should go into the connection settings and turn off the automatic feature to choose the mobile network operator and manually choose the one that your husband's phone is working on. If that does not work, try getting someone else at Verizon.  Roaming and all functions relating to calls are on the carrier side.  In the meantime, make sure you back up anything important to you in case someone suggests factory resetting your phone and you choose to do it.  Perhaps resetting the network connections, including the carrier network would do the trick, I'm surprised that Verizon didn't do that for you remotely, or instruct you to do it.  

Galaxy S24
I've already manually selected carrier and reset network connections.. Verizon also reset settings in their end. Thank you for the feedback., but Verizon has decided that the issue is not in their end
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

That's because it's easier to pass the buck.  Is this the first time you are roaming with the phone and it's not working?  Did you factory reset the phone?  The only way roaming does not work on a phone is if the phone itself does not work, and *that* would make it a phone issue, not a carrier issue.

Galaxy S24
Yes it's the 1st time I've tried roaming with this phone. I have not factory reset the phone, I'm not in a position to do that until I get home unfortunately. I'm hoping there is something to try short of a factory reset.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

It appears that you and Verizon have tried everything short of that.  That would be the next step, unless you have not tried deleting your cache partition.  Of course, if you don't reset until you get home, you will not know if the troubleshooting worked.

1. Power off your phone. Hold Power and vol up buttons until Samsung Logo appears

2. Let go of both buttons when you see the Samsung Logo appear on screen. There will be a delay while it enters recovery mode.

3. Use the volume buttons to navigate through recovery menu options and highlight “Wipe Cache Partition.” Press power button to select this option . Confirm by navigating to the yes response and tapping the power button to select.

5 .When wiping cache partition is complete, "reboot system now" should be highlighted; press power key to select it. The phone will reboot as normal.


You should also put in an error report with Samsung through either the device care settings on your phone or the support tab of the members app (both options bring you to the same place).  Tap "send feedback", choose your device, tell your story, allow the log to be collected and sent.  Eventually, they will get back to you, but probably not while you are still abroad.  In the meantime, have you tried turning on the hotspot on your husband's phone, connecting and turning on wi-fi calling on yours?  Or do you need to be able to call him when you are separated? If you are connected to any wi-fi network and wi-fi calling is on, you will be able to make and receive calls and texts, so if you are at a resort, you should have wi-fi.