Original topic:

S24: not recognizing displays or charging

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy S24

This S24 is the bigest piece of trash i have ever owned. It dkesnt revognisr diplays, it doesnt charge via port OR wireless without considerable hassle, it dosnt even allow itsself to host when connecting via usb so it tries to "charge" the monitor or whatever you connect it to imstead of getting charged. Its terrible. The very final time I WILL EVER GIVE SAMSUNG MY MONEY.

1 Reply
Galaxy S24
Just have them replace it with a new one if it is defective, or if the problem is that the phone is too complicated and advanced for you to understand. I heard they still sell flip phones, and they even have phones that have very big buttons and only the ones you need and are actually going to use, so you don't get confused and frustrated. I got one for my grandma recently, and she said it was much easier and gave her a lot fewer headaches.