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Samsung Dex Virtual Monitor/Glasses Support

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
The next Big Step or Evolution for Samsung Dex or Samsung S Series (Flagship) smarphones is enhancing the way it interacts with virtual monitor glasses, Spacial Computing like the XReal,Viture,Rokid AR/MR/XR glasses. People like to use Samsung Dex on the go whether they're sitting at a cafe typing up something, or watching a YouTube video or stream a movie/TV show on the bus/train/taxi. More importantly productivity, you can Work on something while being on a plane/train/bus/taxi for work and an additional plus for privacy/sensitive information is your virtual screens dont show to anyone else since they're glasses. 

Some of the current problems are the lack of support in XR, some SpacialComputing features are just not there because it's not supported yet (hopefully someone important at Samsung sees this) like more Screen windows instead of the --just one-- that is available that mirrors your smartphone screen(a minimum of 3 would work amazingly). You also can't stabilize that virtual screen so it doesn't shake when you move your head, or minimizing pin it at the edge of your vision when you're doing chores. People who are parents with children or people in general who are busy who just don't have a lot of time to themselves benefit from this. 

Many of the users of those type of glasses are Samsung Galaxy users. This can definitely be another selling point for the Galaxy series smartphones as well. Through Samsung Dex & the use of Virtual Monitor Glasses Like the ones I named above (maybe Samsung can make their own?) the Galaxy smartphones can be something more than just a smartphone in the future. The smartphones can be literally be a solid laptop hybrid as long as it's improved and supported properly.
2 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Dude that's an awesome idea. I feel like Samsung is really missing a lot of crazy potential from DeX. It'd be awesome if they could partner up with the big players in the glasses sphere, or they could make their own as you mentioned (I've heard of a rumor of Samsung Glasses, but can't verify any validity).
A big thing about competitors in the XR sphere is so much money is put on cameras and computation power. Using see-thru glasses like the XReals and using the phone would make it muuuuuch cheaper than the competition.

You mentioning making the smartphone a solid laptop hybrid made me realize Samsung hadn't gotten into lapdocks yet... so much potential with DeX
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Oh yeah, It's right there and practically ready for them. I hope more people bring attention to this because I don't think they realize it! They can seriously shake up the market by doubling down on Dex and the virtual glasses. They don't even have to go full VR like the Apple vision pro.

Most of the Mixed Reality glasses users from what I've seen are Samsung Users, though of course there are iPhone users but they literally can't compare having full Dex mode on the virtual screen than just mirroring their phone screen. If they started making decks compatible with those glasses fully it would be an insane experience, and the smartphone chips keep getting more and more powerful every year... Spread the word šŸ™ŒšŸ» šŸ™ŒšŸ»:fire::high_voltage:

Samsung employees please escalate this!