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UTC app

(Topic created: 4 hours ago)
Galaxy S24
I'm a gamer. All my gaming events are set in UTC which is not the same as military time. I need a free, simple to use app or setting that allows me to set alarms in UTC.
1 Reply
Neutron Star
Galaxy S24

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is a time zone.  Military time is a time format, so yeah, they are not the same.  The best way to do this would be to google your time zone to utc, for me this means "MST to UTC", This should auto populate this to the current time in your time zone to the same time in UTC.  You can then see the time difference, or can populate either field to translate the time entered to the other.  Keep in mind that UTC may not adjust for Daylight Savings, so you may need to check again in October/November when the time changes again.

You can also search the Google play or Galaxy play services for a free app, looks like there are several.  "Time Zone Conversion" is what I used to search.