Original topic:

Why do screenshots from my Samsung smartphone appear in OneDrive's "Camera Roll" folder?

(Topic created: 08-14-2024 08:42 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Why do screenshots from my Samsung smartphone appear in OneDrive's "Camera Roll" folder, as well as in the "Screenshots" folder in OneDrive under "Samsung Gallery"?
Photos taken with the smartphone camera only appear in OneDrive's "Samsung Gallery" folder.

The OneDrive app does not include any "Camera Roll" or "Camera Upload" option in its settings, but the "Camera Upload" option is turned off on all other platforms where I am using OneDrive.

6 Replies
Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S24

Is it possible that you have Sync with OneDrive toggled on in the Gallery Settings?

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Yes,  I do, and I have checked two "Albums to sync": "Camera" and "Screenshots". 

That is why my Samsung photos appear in OneDrive under "Samsung Gallery/DCIM/Camera" and my Samsung screenshots appear in OneDrive under "Samsung Gallery/DCIM/Screenshots".

What does that have to do with Samsung screenshots appearing in OneDrive under "Camera Roll"?

Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S24
Its probably every single photo in your device overall.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Not true. Only the screenshots are duplicated, not the photos.

P.S. Sorry, I was mistaken. One recent photo (August 10th) also appears in Camera Roll, but others from the same date do not. The duplicated screenshots are also recent.  The only setting I have changed recently is that I added "Screenshots" to "Albums to sync" in the Gallery sync settings. Before this I wasn't getting my screenshots in OneDrive at all.

P.P.S. And before this I wasn't getting anything from the smartphone in the OneDrive "Camera Roll" folder!  I am baffled.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Until recently, the only album I had selected under "Albums to sync" in the Gallery Sync settings was "Camera", and so only my photos were being synced. They appeared under "Samsung Gallery/DCIM/Camera" in the OneDrive pictures folder.  

Because I also wanted my Samsung screenshots in OneDrive, I recently added "Screenshots" to "Albums to sync".  This had the expected effect of syncing my Samsung screenshots with the subfolder "Samsung Gallery/DCIM/Screenshots" in the OneDrive pictures folder. However, it also had the undesired effect of uploading my Samsung screenshots to the subfolder "Camera Roll" in the OneDrive pictures folder. I say "uploading" because the screenshots remain there after I have deleted them from Gallery on my Samsung smartphone. 

Now I have turned "Screenshots" in "Albums to sync" back to off.  As a result, Samsung screenshots are no longer synced with the subfolder "Samsung Gallery/DCIM/Screenshots" in the OneDrive pictures folder. However, they are still being uploaded to the subfolder "Camera Roll" in the OneDrive pictures folder. This result makes nos sense to me, but I can live with it.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

I was mistaken about the cause of screenshots being uploaded to Camera Roll.  It now appears that "Media Picker" was responsible.  In fact, it also caused my new photos to be uploaded to Camera Roll. I had inadvertently turned it on, probably in my search for a way to get my screenshots on OneDrive.  After turning it off under Settings - Accounts and backup - Manage accounts - <login for OneDrive account> - Sync account, the uploads to the Camera Roll folder stopped.

I then reenabled Screenshots in Gallery Sync (Settings - Apps - Gallery - Gallery settings - Sync with OneDrive - Albums to sync).  Now everything is as I wished: photos and screenshots are both synchronized to the appropriate subfolders of Samsung Gallery and no more spurious duplicates appear in Camera Roll.

P.S. My device is an S23 Ultra, not an S24.  I originally started this thread on the Samsung Apps and Services board, because I do not believe that the problem is device-specific.  If a moderator moved it here, please move it back.