Original topic:

Media Player in quick panel

(Topic created: 4 weeks ago)
Galaxy S25

I upgraded to the s25 ultra from the z flip 5 and I had no idea the music player was in the quick panel and not notifications. It's so incredibly tedious and obnoxious having to pause music now etc 

Another issue I have is that you can no longer organize apps by alphabetical order without it making you scroll up and down when that's not how I prefer it. I prefer left and right so I spent 3 hours organizing my apps in alphabetical order because of this overall I just hate one ui7 it's so inconvenient and not user friendly
Why did Samsung think that this was ok??? I almost wanna return the phone and keep my flip 5 🙃
1 Reply
Galaxy S25

As far as placing the music player in the notification area this can be done. Swipe down twice to get the full notification screen, the click on the pen icon, then choose the "Panel settings" on the top left. You can play around with the two settings "Separate" and "Together" to get the feel you prefer. Anyway, click on the "Edit top quick settings" and arrange the icon you want in the first pull down menu (depends on how many icons you have set to view initially) and go from there


Edit: As for the above, if this is not what you mean, then I apologize.


As far as organizing the apps alphabetically, swipe up from the bottom to get the apps tray, you will see a search bar with three dots on the right. Click on those three dots, choose sort then alphabetical order.