Original topic:

Photos keep editing

(Topic created: 02-08-2025 11:55 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S25
Every time I take a picture, something in the phone is editing the pictures. Every single time I have turned off everything I can find that relates to automatic picture editing but it still keeps doing it. If I click on revert to original, it does not change back to how the picture was before the phone edited it. It's making a mess of every photo I take. Does anyone know how to turn this automatic editing off? It's happening wirh both the front and rear cameras. 
5 Replies
Galaxy S25
A few questions:

1) What camera app are you using? (i.e., stock Camera, Expert RAW, third party app, etc.)

2) If using the stock Camera app or Expert RAW, what camera mode(s) are you taking pictures with? (e.g., "Photo," "Food," "Portrait")

3) Which settings have you reviewed?
- Intelligent Optimization (Maximum, Medium, Minimum)
- Scene Optimizer (On/Off)
- Skin Smoothness (Portrait mode)
- Color Tone (Photo mode when using front lens)
- Filters

Photo processing will occur to some degree in the normal Camera app, even with all optional optimization/adjustment settings turned off. Expert RAW can be used to avoid this.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S25
I'm using the stock camera app, checked all those settings and can't get it to stop refinishing photos. Take a photo and can see it changing the photo. Using any camera mode, photo, or portrait, it will edit the photo making it brighter than it really is, and emphasizing every tiny wrinkle on a humans face.
Galaxy S25

All camera's that produce digital images edits the picture to a degree. This is done through capture and is not considered a after edit. It's altering the file as it's being stored/saved. This is why you can't revert. Theres nothing to revert because there's no previous data saved.

If you use the "photo" option to take pictures it will process (fine-tune) the image in the background as it processes the data. The higher the Pixel the more processing. In options, you can adjust settings but it will still go through a fine tune. Intelligent optimization set to "minimum" and scene optimization turned off will help. Means your images may not turn out so crisp and clean.

To capture true images you can select "pro". Pictures will have less editing. This means you will have to do some manual adjustments if the auto balance isn't visually right for you. You can also select the option to capture a RAW image. RAW images a free from any software manipulation imposed by the device. Graphic artists and professional photographers use this format so they can work with a unedited source.

Hope this helps.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S25
Thank you I will try this. Accentuating every fine line and wrinkle on a humans face is not desirable and doesn't look realistic. My S24U did this buy I was able to make it stop by changing a setting. I don't see the same ability on the S25U
Galaxy S25
I understand. You can still use the standard "photo". I use the effect feature. It's the icon on the upper far right. From there you select "face" and turn on various settings. It will process in the background. It smooths out details can correct some distortions caused by angles and so on. HDR can be loud at times. They key is to play around and find your favorite settings. There so much accessible online related to android and general photography. Looking up tips and tricks can help speed up the process of learning or finding that magic toggle to make every picture perfect. I found valuable tips in a 30s video. 1739139735568.jpg