Original topic:

ESim issue

(Topic created: 4 hours ago)
Galaxy Watch
So I have a Samsung Galaxy watch 6 Wi-Fi and LTE enabled and I am unable to connect to the LTE network. I get my messages in my phone calls perfectly fine when I'm connected to my phone via Bluetooth but whenever I try to connect to the mobile network on my watch alone it says there's an error can't do it and whatever the case may be AT&t customer service on the phone try to fix it then they got an error saying that to you Sam had to be reissued from the AT&t store. I get a new Ethan from the AT&t store and has the same issue that the people the phone said so the guy at the store said he thinks it's a watch issue, has anybody else encountered this with a Galaxy 6 watch or any other ones by chance? Cuz I really don't want to come at $100 on my pocket to get this replaced on insurance smh 😞 
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