Original topic:

ESim issue

(Topic created: 8 hours ago)
Galaxy Watch
So I have a Samsung Galaxy watch 6 Wi-Fi and LTE enabled and I am unable to connect to the LTE network. I get my messages in my phone calls perfectly fine when I'm connected to my phone via Bluetooth but whenever I try to connect to the mobile network on my watch alone it says there's an error can't do it and whatever the case may be AT&t customer service on the phone try to fix it then they got an error saying that to you Sam had to be reissued from the AT&t store. I get a new Ethan from the AT&t store and has the same issue that the people the phone said so the guy at the store said he thinks it's a watch issue, has anybody else encountered this with a Galaxy 6 watch or any other ones by chance? Cuz I really don't want to come at $100 on my pocket to get this replaced on insurance smh 😞 
1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
Put in an error report through the support tab in the members app. Normally speaking all matters relating to the eSIM or calling features on the watch would be a carrier issue, but it wouldnt be the first time a carrier was too lazy to fix the issue and blame it on Samsung. It could very well be a problem with the watch, though, but you won't know til you put in the error report. If you are in your return window, you might just be better off returning or exchanging the watch.