Original topic:

GW6 how to calibrate length of step stride

(Topic created: 06-24-2024 01:07 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

Hello and Happy New Year.

Does anyone know if there is a way to calibrate or change the step stride length on Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 and if so, would you please post it?

Thanks in advance!

10 Replies
Galaxy Watch

When running on a treadmill the distance on the watch compared to the running machine is out by around 25%. The watch assumes a much smaller stride. I'm 6 ft.

Others recommended to complete some street runs so the watch can recalibrate the stride length. I did this, but it failed to resolve the problem. The watch still believes my stride length on a treadmill is far less than road running which makes no sense.

It gives me a chance to correct the distance after each activity, but many stats do not correct themselves like average pace etc. Nothing is even close to the average and maximum pace I'm actually running which is incredible frustrating. It pretty well makes the science and role of the tracker pointless.