Original topic:

Galaxy watch 7 44mm on Pixel 8 Pro Timer issue

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Al Sam
Galaxy Watch

When timer app time expires on the watch I am left with the screen that shows negative and increasing time, constant beeping, and two buttons below - left with the cross sign - I understand it as "cancel beeping and return to main timer screen", right button shows circle shaped arrow - I understand it as "restart the timer for the same time period". As the matter of fact none of these buttons work as expected. They just do nothing. Whether it is just "tap", "double tap", "long press" - just nothing šŸ‘¹. Oh, I'm wrong, when you touch them, they show light halo around them, and that's pretty much it. Are you going to fix it? Why do you give me dysfunctional buttons?

2 Replies
Al Sam
Galaxy Watch

And finally I figured out the trick. You need to swipe restart or cancel button to the center of the screen and beyond. It is "brilliant" šŸ‘¹. Why touch was not enough?

Red Giant
Galaxy Watch
When the timer goes off, the cross sign means "Dismiss," and the counter-clockwise arrow means "Restart."

"None of the buttons work as expected..."
You need to swipe up on the buttons for them to work. Although there is an option to replace swipes with single taps on phones and tablets (1st screenshot), it is not available on watches (2nd screenshot).

I also found some ideas for the alarm and timer.
1. If Show Seconds is enabled in QuickStar, also show the seconds in the alarm notification, just like in the 3rd screenshot with the negative and increasing time after the timer has expired. Furthermore, during alarm and timer notifications, it would be best if pictures can be added (square shaped instead of filling the entire screen) (3rd screenshot).
2. The Upcoming Alarm Notification period (4th screenshot) should turn the alarm countdown text and/or timer bar red from black/white and the accent color, respectively, when it is less than the notification threshold, instead of just the last five seconds. A warning sound should also play every second (just like with SOS), with the option to customize it to the user's liking.Screenshot_20240916_214651_Accessibility_1000191695_1726548412.pngScreenshot_20240916_215715_Galaxy Watch Manager_1000191696_1726549104.pngSnapchat-1497325736_1000191694_1726548197.jpgScreenshot_20240916_221842_Clock_1000191700_1726550323.png