Original topic:

My husbands contact name keeps changing on its own. Only his & only on texts.

(Topic created: 08-12-2024 11:10 AM)
Galaxy Watch

To be fair I'm posting this in this watch sub but I have a Z flip 5 my situation is also affecting. I do think it may be because of the watch though.

Have had my phone since it came out, got the watch 6 since the new year ish.

But only within the last few weeks my contact name for my husband ONLY keeps changing. And ONLY in my text messages. It usually renames itself to "voicemail." Then I'll look at my call logs and see his name is still there normal, but different in texts.

But last week it totally changed itself to my father's contact info. So right after texting my husband back I noticed it was actually my dad I had just texted. So I immediately did the whole "oops so sorry that was for hubby, wrong person & text." And of course the text back was my confused husband saying what? And then I scrolled through the text to verify no, it IS my husband, his contact info just changed AGAIN but now it doubled as my father's. So now I had two of my dad's contacts displaying in my text, but only one of the threads was actually his.

Yall get what I'm saying. My husband's contact info keeps changing its name on its own. Mostly to voicemail but now it could take on the name of anyone's contact name in my phone I guess. I keep physically deleting it's new name and changing it back to my husband's and saving it. But every other day it's changing on its own. I don't get why. And I don't get why now all of a sudden.

Anybody see what's happening? Not sure if it's a watch issue- sometimes we walk our pup without my phone and it disconnects from my phone but then the LTE should take over idk if it's something there or what. Any ideas are appreciated.

I'm on the verge of possibly texting something to my husband that's never meant for anyone else's eyes only to find out it'll be my siblings or boss or something because my phone is out to get me lol. Thanks in advance---

3 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

Have you tried renaming your husband's name in your contacts to something like "john doe" to see what happens? Or just deleting his contact and reentering it. Weird that it's only happening to one contact.  Is the storage location your phone, sim card or Google?  You can find out by clicking on the contact information, scrolling down and at the bottom there is a button that says, "storage locations" and it will tell you if it's on the SIM card, phone, or Google or if it's in more than one storage location.  You might also try changing his storage location but try one change at a time.

Galaxy Watch
I agree with @relaud. You can also try the Contact app, tap, open >tap, open your husband's contact info, and then >tap more (the three dots at the bottom right) > tap, edit default contact info. You should see: Samsung account, phone, Google account. You can edit the default contact info from there, too.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

Are you using Samsung messages?  What happens if you switch to Google messages?  Maybe it's not an issue with the contact itself, but Samsung messages.  As Samsung winds down support of the app, it's likely things will start misbehaving. Since you say it is only happening with texts, I'd start with that.  Use Google message for a few days and see if it continues.