Original topic:

New Software Updated for the Galaxy Watch Pro5 broke a lot of features

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy Watch

Ever since the new software update (UI 6.0, R920XXU1CXK1 ) my Galaxy Watch Pro5 has a lot of  broken features I use on a daily basis. Such as but not limited to: Auto Dectect Workouts, Auto Dectect Workouts Icon on homescreen, battery drains super fast now, etc. I think Samsung did this on purpose to your forced to purchase a new watch because their resolution options available do nothing for you. 

They gave me 2 options 1) send in the watch for repair which will take like 2 weeks and if they can't fix it then they just send it back to you. So for the increase inconvience of not having your watch and wasting you time for two weeks you got now where. or toption 2) take advantage of the new promotions. So your telling me to give you more money for breaking my current watch. This just tells me again they broke the watch on purpose so they can bring in more money for new purchases. It's not the first time some big company pulled this. Guess Samsung is trying to bring up there sales.

If they had an option to roll back the previous software version would most likely fix the issues but that not an option. How convinient for Samsung. If you have an old device there isn't any real support they only care about the newest and latest product that will only last a year.

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