Original topic:

Samsung ultra 7 watch screen not lighting up

(Topic created: 01-08-2025 05:05 PM)
Galaxy Watch
So as you've read I'm having problems with my screen lighting up. I have it set for when I raise my arm to light up. It works 50% of the time the other 50% not even tapping on the screen works. I have to push the top action button ( if that's what's called) for it to light up. Any ideas?
1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Watch

Thank you for reaching out. I can certainly understand your concern with your raise to wake and tapping on the screen not lighting up the watch Ultra screen. I was unable to replicate the symptoms you are experiencing when testing on our watch. In order to better assist you what type of device do you have paired with your watch?


Are you using these steps when trying the raise to wake feature: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01003202/


Have you always experienced these symptoms or is this since a recent update?


Have you tried resetting your watch? Please make sure to back up your watch prior to resetting. Also, please test your watch after resetting prior to restoring from back up as it will allow us to rule out any third party software. Give this link a try for steps to reset you watch: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS10003368/