Original topic:

[Feature Request] Fridge Shopping List widget

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Kitchen and Family Hub

In case Samsung is monitoring these posts for enhancement ideas, I would like to lobby for a return of the Shopping List widget.  I appreciate it was removed several updates ago, however we have been able to use the Memo widget as a workaround since then.  Last night's update changed the Memo widget into a post-it note, which is no longer practical for seeing a longer list of shopping items.  

Appreciate there is the Shopping List app, though: 1) would far more prefer to list of items directly on the screen and not have to click into a separate app, and 2) the shopping list is kludgy with its automated attempts at categorizing entries.

If someone has ideas for what could replace the old Shopping List and legacy Memo widgets, that could provide a plain vanilla list of items directly on the screen, would like to hear.

1 Reply
Kitchen and Family Hub

When we bought our fridge ~4 years ago, the Shopping List app was PERFECT. It would auto-complete your typing, and keep what you entered. Then about 2-3 years ago it changed so it would change the wording out from under you (you could literally watch it do it) to a fixed list. So "Milk 1%" and "Milk 2%" would *both* change to "milk" - how is THAT helpful? And now it doesn't work at all (Aug 2024). If they had just left the system as it was in 2020 it would still be the best in the industry.