Original topic:

Jetbot Combo missing spots and going over same spots many times

(Topic created: 10-22-2024 11:53 AM)
Dan H
Kitchen and Family Hub

I recently purchased Bespoke Jet Bot Combo Robot Vacuum and Mop with All-in-One Clean Station VR7MD96514G.

At first it cleaned as expected, following a pattern selected, moving around obstacles and cleaning all accessible areas.  Over the first couple weeks we started to notice that it would bounce back and forth between areas and walls repeatedly within a room.  It would sometimes hit a single spot dozens of times while missing large obstacle free sections of a room.  Other times it would clean a small section and then consider it complete.  

We have removed as many obstacles as reasonable, triggered cleaning at night and in full daylight, cleaned whole house, targeted rooms, and sections with similar results. I also deleted and created new maps.  I have wood grain in some rooms with slate pattern in others.  I am attaching some screenshots from the smartthings app that shows it knows what it is doing from one aspect.  

Hoping someone else has seen this and can tell me what is happening.



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