Original topic:

Connecting Wireless HDMI to Series 7 TV - Need some USB port info

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)


I recently purchased a wireless HDMI transmitter and receiver kit. Very simple device it is an HDMI connector on one end of a cable and a USB connector on the other end of the cable for powering the device. I have two Samsung series 7 smart TVs that I purchased in 2018. I need to know if any of the USB ports on the TV itself or able to convey for the USB connector because the device needs to drop power for the wireless HDMI connector.   do any of the USB ports on the back of the TV convey power? If there are only certain ones, I need to know which ones and I also really desperately need a picture of the back of the set

the TVs are mounted on a wall, but is not mounted on a bracket that swivels the TV away from the wall. I did not know at the time of getting the TVs installed that such types of wall mounts for TVs existed as this type of technology for TVs was brand new to me and this is the first TV sets that Iā€™ve had in my lifetime that ever got mounted on a wall. The laughable funny part was that when I purchased the TVs in 2018 my original TV that I purchased for my very first apartment back in 1997 had just died and that was one of those big  chassis type set with the huge tube so all of this was brand new technology to me.

 All of that explanation being said about how the TVs are mounted. That means I can barely see behind the TV set. I have a choice of either looking behind the TV set or using my hand to feel around when it comes time to plug something in behind the set I cannot Fit both my head and my arm and hand behind the set because it is hung flush on the wall. That is why Iā€™m also asking if anyone can provide me a picture of the back of the set hopefully from the same 2018 series of the series 7 sets . 

Thank youā€¦.

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