Original topic:

Cu7000 Receiver Pairing Issue

(Topic created: 15 hours ago)

So, I have tried, but I can't figure this out. 


I have a 55 Samsung CU7000 TV, connected to a Marantz sr6013 receiver. I have my pc connected to the Marantz (via HDMI), which is connected to the TV (via HDMI). 


When it works, it's great. No issues. But, if I switch to anything but the receiver (Netflix, Samsung TV plus, etc), then I can't find a way to reconnect to the Receiver linked PC. 


Normally, in the 'Media' page, the receiver is selectable in the 'Recent' window. But if it's not the most recent, it's not there, and I can't find it anywhere. My TV is still connected to the receiver. So it recognizes it, but there's no app or logo to make it appear on the screen. I hope that makes sense.


The receiver doesn't show up in 'Connected Devices'. But in settings, it shows that it's the Sound Output.


How do I find it? 

Can I make a Marantz Receiver app?

Any help would be appreciated. It's becoming quite frustrating. 

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