Original topic:

Sudden bright spots on lower right of 18 month old UHD 6 Series

(Topic created: 05-11-2021 09:59 AM)
Projectors & Other TVs

Visiting my mother for Mother's Day when suddenly her 1-1/2 year old UN43NU6900B starts having problems. The screen has the appearance of a row of spotlights pointing up from the lower right bottom bezel which makes the rest of the screen look darker.   I've seen a few other posts that relate to this but not a lot of solutions.  It seems like it's the "unglued diffuser lens" LED problem but when I lift and rotate the cabinet no rolling/rattling sounds of loose lenses.

I had a session with online support and we went through all the basics that lead up to needing a tech support visit. 

I know it's a 'cheap' version but 18 months?!?!  That seems kind of preposterous.  Does anybody know if there are any Samsung supported resolutions, tech support bulletins, or special case extended warranties on this issue? 

3 Replies
Projectors & Other TVs


Samsung Moderator
Samsung Moderator
Projectors & Other TVs

I'm sorry to hear that if this is occurring on all sources and during the picture test this will require service please reach out directly via one of the following methods, as we would like to Gather additional information, and look at this from a case by case basis. Please provide the full model and serial of the TV as well as your best contact phone number, name, and email. 


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Projectors & Other TVs

After a few emails back and forth with support I was left with the following thoughts on this problem (left for anyone who stumbles on to this post later):

  1. After a request to escalation I was offered parts.  There's the possibility that "parts" might just be a few dabs of glue but no way to know for sure without cracking open the case.  If I had been offered either a refurbished exchange or parts & labor (maybe even if I had to pay shipping to a depot) I'm sure I wouldn't be posting this entry.  An offer of just parts and no labor means that the cost for a repair tech travel bill (given the closest tech would be at least 60-100 miles away) plus on-site time would likely equal or eclipse the cost of replacement.
  2. The fact that it was a 'budget' level model doesn't mean that it shouldn't still fit the definition of a durable good and last at least 3 years of normal use. 
  3. Consumer level after the sale support continues the downward trend I've witnessed over the last 25 years.  
  4. In the end, while we thought we were BUYING a Samsung TV 18 months ago it now appears that we were simply RENTING it.
  5. All I can really do now is save the correspondence I had on the issue in the event that a later class action is filed or Samsung acknowledges continuing problems with their backlighting design.