Original topic:

TV suddenly won't turn on

(Topic created: 04-06-2023 12:49 PM)
Projectors & Other TVs

My Samsung 50" TU8000 4K Ultra HD HDR Smart TV suddenly turned off and tries to repeatedly turn on, but nothing happens. 

The screen turns dark grey for a second them back to black, the red light at the bottom of the tv flashes. This just keeps happening over and over. The TV is not responsive to the remote control. The only way to get it to stop is to unplug the TV from power.

3 Replies
Projectors & Other TVs
Reboot loop? So locate the power button and hold it down for 30 seconds or so and see what happens.
Projectors & Other TVs

I tried that, it didn't work unfortunately.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Projectors & Other TVs

I can definitely understand your frustrations and am delighted to assist you! Try the following troubleshooting steps.

  1. Unplug the TV or projector for 30 seconds.

    Unplug the TV/projector from the wall outlet or surge protector and leave it unplugged for 30 seconds.

  2. Inspect the power cord for damage.

    Check the power cord to see if there is any visible damage. If the power cord appears to be damaged you can get a replacement at samsungparts.com.

    You can search for your TV model to find the exact power cord you need.

  3. Plug the power cord back into the wall outlet.

    If you were using a surge protector, bypass it for now and use a wall outlet.

  4. Try to update the software.

    In some cases, a software update can correct the problem. There is a risk, however. If the TV/projector turns off during the software update, it could damage it. Updates can take up to 30 minutes depending on network speed, so if the TV/projector is not turning off too frequently, try updating the software.

  5. Disable the Power On with Mobile option.

    TVs and projectors that can connect to SmartThings can be turned on using compatible devices, sometimes automatically. However, if abnormal "power on" signals are sent through the wireless network, they will trigger this function and make the TV turn on.

    If you do not want this function, navigate to Settings > General > Network > Expert Settings > Power On with Mobile, and turn the setting off.


    If the above troubleshooting steps didn't help you would need to speak with one of our moderators via private message. Service would be required to resolve the situation. You can either send a private message to any of the mods here with the full model code and serial number of the Tv or  feel free to reach out to us directly via one of the following options and with a link to our thread along with your full model and serial number. 

    Facebook Messenger: http://m.me/samsungsupport
    Or you can use the following link below to request service. https://www.samsung.com/us/support/service/