Original topic:

Feature Request: Add a weekly heart rate zone report and addtnl suggestions

(Topic created: 08-28-2024 06:47 PM)
Samsung Apps and Services

Given that the CDC, NHS AND AHA all recommend that we spend a certain number of minutes/hours in specific heart rate zones each week, it would be great to be able to see this type of report in the Samsung Health app. Fitbit has this and it seems like a major oversight on what is otherwise a pretty detailed app. Ideally, I'd like to see how much time I spent in moderate vs vigorous intensity exercise each week, but being able to see exactly how much time is spent in each heart rate zone would be great. This has been requested by other users as well.

It would also be great if users could choose/set how much activity they want to get each hour for the app to tag that hour as "active". For me, 20 steps an hour is too low. Why not allow the user to set this requirement individually?
And finally, I have a Samsung Watch 6 classic and even though I have gone through the process to stop my step count when exercising (since I'm swinging my arms in a regular motion while working out, but not actually walking or taking actual steps), as soon as I turn step counting back on, all the "steps" I took while working out are accumulated. Please make this process easier and quicker - possibly a button on the main app that says "stop counting steps" rather than having to dig down through multiple menus. Also, please make it so that steps are not actually counted - the whole reason why I'm trying to stop the app/watch from counting my steps is because I want my step count to be accurate and to not include arm swinging during exercise as steps.
Thanks for the consideration!

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Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Samsung Apps and Services

Thank you for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. We appreciate your feedback and I'll ask @SamsungRei if they  will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests.

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1 Reply
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Samsung Apps and Services

Thank you for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. We appreciate your feedback and I'll ask @SamsungRei if they  will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests.

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