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Feature request: Add MyFiles to Reminders

(Topic created: 01-08-2025 09:39 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services

Please add the ability to add a file to Reminders. Currently I can do this if the file is on onedrive or google drive by copying the link and add the link to the reminder, but when a file is located on the device there is no way to do this. Something like adding a Samsung Notes to Reminders would be awesome and very productive. 

Use case would be to set a reminder to complete or review a file. The hyperlink would make for easy access by to the file instead of leaving the reminder app and searching for it in MyFiles. Also, setting the reminder would be just a click instead of creating a minder and explaining what file and where it is located in MyFiles.
This would be a major productivity bosst....
1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services
There is a way. Paste a Quick Share Link of the file(s) to the reminder's memo section.

Open My Files
Select the files that you want to include in the reminder.
Tap Share
Tap Quick Share
Tap QR Code or Link
Tap Copy URL

Open Calender and create a new reminder
Paste the link from the clipboard into the Memo section
Give the reminder a Subject heading
And Save the reminder.

Most links in Quick Share have an expiration, so you will need to adjust this in the Quick Share settings if you want the link to remain usable for longer than the average three day time limit.

Quick Share Links can also be used in calendar appointments, emails, texts, and many other applications.