Original topic:

I hate this

(Topic created: yesterday)
Samsung Apps and Services
So ever single time I open the app store dang near it shows me a add advertisement to get stupid tic Tok and I always click don't show again or it shows me a add for a app I already have downloaded that annoying too but the tic Tok is more so. I don't want have have never used or even looked at it I don't want it !! I have no use for it and I'm not downloading a Chinese spying app to put it simply 
It make me almost not like have a Samsung 
1 Reply
Samsung Apps and Services
I don't tick tock, and there is no tick tock in China. It's called Douyina. TICK TOCK is for clocks, but the app is known as tic-tok everywhere else. It's a play on words and a term for countdowns and minute-by-minute action. No tic-tok for me, but I do like tic-tac's, mint flavor. 😁 Luckily, we have Samsung, and the app isn't pre-installed on our devices. Yes, indeed, I take it over a few ads. Sometimes, we just gotta pick the weeds to see the flowers!!! Have a blessed night!!