Original topic:

Setting up Modes and Routines

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Samsung Apps and Services

I'm trying to set the modes and routines app I'm using 3 of the modes relax sleep and exercise does the relax routine use my phone's location because I have it set to my home address and for the sleep and exercise routines are those set to a custom time frame I have the sleep routine set for 8:55 PM-7:00 AM and the exercise routine is set for 8:00 AM-10:00 AM so will these 2 routine trigger at the specific time I set them up 

1 Reply
Black Hole
Samsung Apps and Services
yes,if you set it to start automatically, but they won't force you into bed or the gym. šŸ˜ I also don't believe they will notify you, but I could be wrong, as I set the modes I use manually when I use them, and the routines just run. There is a blurb in the pull-down notification area that says "x" routine is running and there will be an icon in your notification bar when a mode is on, but I don't think there's a sound or pop up.