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[OFFICIAL] Samsung Introduces Batteries Plus as Independent Service Provider

(Topic created: 08-31-2021 12:51 PM)
Samsung Dusty
Samsung Employee
Samsung Apps and Services

We are excited to have Batteries Plus as an independent service provider!


From texting to sending emails, you rely on your smartphone for a variety of personal and professional tasks throughout the day. As hard as you try to protect your investment, accidents happen. Fortunately, the tech experts at Batteries Plus Bulbs specialize in performing comprehensive Samsung phone repairs. You can count on us for super-fast Samsung screen replacements, Samsung battery replacements and more no matter where you purchased your phone!

Click HERE for more information on services, applicable devices, and more! 

Samsung Apps and Services
It's all about compression. If the video is large messaging app with try to compress it as much as possible to send it through.
Samsung Apps and Services
Use link sharing and you can send a photo or video 4k full quality
Samsung Apps and Services
Text messages can only send very small files. Videos are very big. When you send the video over text it has to drop the quality of the video to make it fit and as a result they look bad. Send your video over a data service such as fb messenger, whats app, signal or Line it should preserve the quality of your videos.
Samsung Apps and Services
I've been standing at the stand at Walmart for half hour telling them I'm about to flip out cus I don't know how to add card to phone
Samsung Apps and Services
Will Samsung be reimbursing their flagship Smartphone owners for the cost of battery replacement, since it's Samsung's fault that the batteries are non-replaceable by consumers in the first place?
Samsung Apps and Services
No, and if your battery isn't lasting within the warranty and at least a decent while after then it's either defective or you did something to damage that. Most people don't replace the battery even out of warranty. It's nobody's "fault" and you could technically obtain the parts, it just wouldn't be an official repair or as good most likely. Plenty of people do so.
Samsung Apps and Services
My phone is fine. But the battery is not going to last forever. And I shouldn't have to toss out my expensive Galaxy phone just because the battery is dead.

I'm not one of those people that has to buy the latest phone every year. My last phone was the Galaxy S5 and I loved that I could change its battery. It allowed me to keep using the phone until *I* wanted a new one.

Now, I have the Galaxy S10. It's a fantastic device except that there is no owner access to the battery. Not only did the crooks at Samsung make the battery non-replaceable, they even glued it to the motherboard to almost ensure damage if anyone tried. In my book, that's just rotten.

I'd love to see non-replaceable batteries made illegal in the United States. Eliminating changeable batteries is so underhanded on the part of the manufacturers, I honestly don't know why a class-action lawsuit hasn't been brought against the whole lot of them.

Samsung *should* be forced to pay for battery replacements. There is absolutely no reason why Samsung can't make phones with replaceable batteries, other than greed. It's certainly not in the buyer's best interest. And it's definitely not an improvement in design nor a desirable feature. It's robbery. No one should have to melt their way into any high-end electronic device to get at the battery.

All new products are warranted against factory defects. A non-removable battery is a factory defect, if I ever saw one. The worst part is it's deliberate. Seriously, there should be a lawsuit — and a bill banning non-replaceable batteries in Smartphones.
Not applicable
Samsung Apps and Services
Lmao 👎 apple started that. Samsung followed suit. And since there's no law saying that we as consumers have a right to easily fix your sol buddy 🤪
Samsung Apps and Services
Samsung Apps and Services
Kara wow