Original topic:

One Ui 7

(Topic created: yesterday)
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services
There are a couple of things I would like to see either in One Ui 7 or in Goodlock. The ability to get rid of the page counter on the screen, it takes up space and is not needed. 

Transition effects when flipping through screens would be a great addition to Goodlock. 
Getting rid of pages in folders, just one page no matter how many apps you put in them. 

And most importantly bring back vertical scrolling in the apps list!


4 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services
Definitely the transition effects. That is one thing I miss about LG. They had them built in. And, they had continuous loop, too. I wish we had that on stock, as well, without Goodlock.
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services
There is continous loop in Goodlock in the HomeUp module.
There caveat is you have to turn off Google Or Samsung news 1st page.
Samsung Apps and Services
Yeah, I've seen it in the homeup module, I just wish it was a choice for us to have without it. In the regular home screen settings. Maybe someday. I don't use Google discover or Samsung news so that wouldn't effect me.
Samsung Apps and Services
We need real changes with the one ui 7 not apple imitations