Original topic:

Please Samsung, do something ! List of bugs and expected features on Samsung Health

(Topic created: 08-10-2023 12:32 PM)
Samsung Apps and Services

Hi everyone,


I'm using Samsung Health (SH) since a while with different Galaxy Watches to track many sports and activities I do, but also to force me to drink water, to track my nutrition plan, my blood pressure and my body composition thanks to 2 smart scales synced with SH.

So, as you can see, SH is essential for me and I really enjoy this app. But I think SH need some mandatories improvements since there is a lot of health tracking apps on the market today. 

Here, you'll find some of my feedbacks on Samsung Health Android v6.24.2.001

App and phone Language fr/fr, Galaxy S20FE, Android 13


Food tracking module + Water

  • Bugs
    • Can't type a decimal value in "portion size screen"
    • Can't type a decimal value in "add custom item screen" on each textfields
    • Item search is not useful at all. Sometimes I loose an item I used to add in my meals. That's very annoying and could make me go on another app 😞
    • Can't select a "future date" for a meal : needed, since I prepare my meals for the day or the week but also whe I'm cooking, I add items in SH.
  • Wanted Features
    • add food by scanning barcode 
    • Macro nutriments goals and fine tracking (ate + remaining)
    • In nutritions facts : add magnesium, and vitamins (Bx, D, E) 
    • add a water reminder and glass custom size (150ml, 200ml) 
    • Widgets for all data
    • Food plans and meals propositions


Sport / Activities

  • Bugs
    •  nothing
  • Wanted Features
    • Make each BodyComp date, editable to adjust : to adjust weight, muscles and fat mass
    • Because of I forget to stop the tracking on my watch, make each activities sessions editable to adjust 
      • activity real time  and so burned calories
      • activity type
    • Add an activity not tracked by phone or watch (I don't track ski or pool sessions, or sometime, i'm out of battery)
    • More than 3 bookmarked activities (I do at least 5 differents sport a week)
    • Widget for all


Sleep coaching

  • I'm trying this feature for now. No feedback at this moment


Health Connect

  • I know this is still in beta, but I expect that each data will be sync


I really hope this message will be read since I took time to collect feedbacks and share with the community, to make Samsung Health better and better every day. 🤞


Thanks for having reading me

Enjoy life and be happy, go outside and eat healthy ✌

1 Solution

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Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Thank you for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.

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1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Thank you for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.