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Questions about the amount of steps for individuals in the Samsung Health challenge

(Topic created: 03-31-2024 02:57 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services

I am a fairly active individual and normally get between 13K and 18K steps a day.  I noticed that the top individuals in the challenge average over 90K steps in a day.  Allowing for sleep, this is about 6K steps an hour.  I question that someone can make that many steps.  I realize this is a fun challenge, but I don't know how these individuals get that many steps legitimately.

Does anyone else question this?

32 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services

In samsung health we have monthly challenges to try and complete and place in order or most steps.


ISSUE IS: the top 20 people have more steps than there are SECONDS IN THE MONTH  (2,628,288 seconds in one month)


Look at any winners steps for any previous month. some have 3.5 Millions steps (More than secs in the month)


Its easy to see its not possible and they need to be removed from the leaderboards.


Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services

As lit up as people are about this, you would think there was prize money involved.

Cosmic Ray
Samsung Apps and Services

Still hoping Samsung will offer some solution.  If it's not possible to achieve, then they are probably cheating, themselves primarily.  I would like to hear from one of the top competitors to hear their side.